A financial proposal of the costs or expenses needed to conduct a project.
Categories of budget line items, such as materials/supplies, travel and personnel.
A written description/explanation of the project budget. It explains why costs are necessary, shows that costs are reasonable, demonstrates that costs are consistent with sponsor and university policies, describes ambiguous categories, explains how certain costs are specific to the project (i.e., not indirect costs), and explains the costing methods.
Individual items included in the budget, such as the Lead Principal Investigator's salary and benefits.
A UC Davis administrative unit that assists faculty and staff in meeting their teaching, research, and operational needs by providing quality financial services for externally funded projects.
Research combined with the testing of practical applications in biomedicine. Clinical trials include clinical testing of a drug, device or treatment on human subjects under an FDA approved protocol.
Senior/key personnel not in the official Co-PI or Principal Investigator (PI) role. This role is not scientifically diminutive; it just denotes a lessor administrative or management role for the project.
Paid or unpaid personnel that are integral to the project and are listed as senior personnel. Senior personnel in this role may have committed effort or may simply offer as needed advice such as NIH “Other Significant Contributors.” If a non-paid collaborator will have committed effort and is employed outside of UC Davis, it is important to get a letter from his or her university or institution approving the collaboration. This allows the collaborator’s institution to record committed effort and approve use of facilities for the project.
An individual that provides consultation and/or advice to a project (“brains and briefcase”) but is not responsible for completing the scope of work. UC employees should not be listed as consultants on proposals submitted from UC Davis.
An agreement by which one institution procures goods or services from another
. Includes a legally binding contract with:
· Detailed financial and legal requirements
· A specific statement of work
· A specific set of deliverables and/or reports due to the sponsor
· Federal Acquisition Regulations (FARs), if Federal
An agreement in which sponsor staff assists with, guides, coordinates or participates in the project
An investigator with equal administrative authority with the Principal Investigator. It is important note that sponsoring agencies have very distinct definitions of Principal Investigators.
Cost sharing occurs when a sponsor does not pay the full cost of a sponsored project, and the applicant institution (UC Davis) therefore bears some of the costs. Cost sharing may be in-kind such as a valued donation of goods, or cash for project purchases. The allowability of types and amounts of cost sharing varies by sponsor and program.
Direct costs are expenses that are clearly associated with and necessary to complete a sponsored project or program.
The amount of time, either as a percentage of overall effort or in person-months, that an individual will work on a sponsored project.
An amount, usually a percentage, that a cost is expected to increase over time.
Amount (of direct costs) to which the F&A rate should be applied.
F&A, or "indirect", costs are associated with the general operation of UC Davis and cannot be readily assigned to individual projects. These costs include facilities and maintenance, general and departmental administration, clerical and administrative salaries and fringe benefits, general office supplies, general purpose equipment, routine postage, building maintenance and utilities and library expenses.
An F&A, or "indirect", cost rate is a device for determining what proportion of indirect costs each program should bear using sound administrative principles. The F&A cost rate is designed to provide a method for full cost recovery, and it is an equitable, logical and consistent process for allocating costs not directly associated with a single grant/contract, project or cost objective. The university has federally negotiated rates based on these principals; however, rates may vary based on sponsor policy and program guidelines.
An association of federal agencies, academic research institutions with administrative, faculty and technical representation and research policy organizations working to streamline the administration of federally sponsored research.
Funds that originate from a federal sponsor but are paid to the university through another entity, such as the State of California or another academic institution.
Financial interests that may pose a conflict of interest with a sponsored program or project. Researchers are required to disclose financial interests in the electronic COI system in accordance with federal and state regulations and university policies and procedures.
Solicitation for proposals or applications.
An agreement by which one institution assists another
· Significant freedom to change the emphasis within the general area
· Minimal deliverables
· Benefits of the project are to the nation and world
Oversight committee mandated by the Animal Welfare Act and the Health Research Extension Act. Research invovling animal subjects must obtain IACUC authorization.
UC Davis eRA system that enables the approval of Animal Care and Use Protocols by IACUC, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
See "F&A (Facilities and Administrative) Cost Base"
See "F&A (Facilities and Administrative) Rate"
See "F&A (Facilities and Administrative) Costs"
Internal Processing Form -- Commonly referred to as the "proposal," this is the electronic document created in Cayuse SP to be routed internally for PI (and co-PI) certification, departmental authorization, and for review by the Sponsored Programs Office. The IPF should be coupled with required attachments.
Unit in the Office of Research committed to following the federal regulations to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects involved in research conducted under the auspices of UC Davis. Research invovling human subjects must obtain IRB Administration authorization.
Lead individual for the entire sponsored project
F&A (indirect) cost base where indirect costs are charged to salaries and wages, fringe benefits, materials, supplies, services, travel and subgrants and subcontracts up to the first $25,000 of each subgrant or subcontract (regardless of the period covered by the subgrant or subcontract). Modified total direct costs shall exclude equipment, capital expenditures, charges for patient care, student tuition remission, rental costs of off-site facilities, scholarships and fellowships as well as the portion of each subgrant and subcontract in excess of $25,000.
The Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement. See "F&A (Facilities and Administrative) Cost Rate".
Direct costs for items such as stipends or subsistence allowances, travel allowances and registration fees paid to or on behalf of participants or trainees (but not employees) in connection with meetings, conferences, symposia or training projects.
Institution that applies for/receives funding from the Prime Sponsor and has passed/will pass a portion of that award to a subrecipient institution to carry out part of the award's scope of work.
Award funded by the (Prime) Sponsor and provided to the Prime Applicant
The Principal Investigator has primary responsibility for achieving the technical success of the project, while also complying with the financial and administrative policies and regulations associated with the award.
Unit in the Office of Research that provides administrative support and oversight to the following compliance areas:
(1) Boating and Diving Safety
(2) Export Control in Research
(3) Financial Conflicts of Interest
(4) Human Anatomic Specimen and Tissue Oversight
(5) Research Ethics
(6) Research Misconduct
(7) Stem Cell Research Oversight.
Solicitation for proposals or applications.
Solicitation for proposals or applications.
Narrative description that defines the precise work/research to be performed should a funding request be granted.
"Non-replaceable" expertise on the project. These are usually all the faculty level investigators, but may also include others at the discretion of the Principal Investigator.
Lead individual from the subrecipient institution.
Entity that receives proposals for and provides funding to the Prime Applicant/ Recipient.
A range of sponsored research, instruction and service projects.
UC Davis service unit that reviews and submits research proposals, negotiates and accepts awards on behalf of the UC Regents, and drafts, negotiates and executes (outgoing) subawards for collaborative research.
Extramurally funded research, instruction or service that includes one or more deliverables by the university to an external party.
Deliverables can include:
· Research directed to satisfy sponsor requirements
· Technical (Scholarly) or Financial reports
· Patent/Intellectual Property (IP) rights
· Testing of proprietary products
Sponsored projects are usually administered by an academic unit.
An agreement to send funding from a Prime Recipient institution to another institution (Subrecipient) to perform work associated with a Prime Award
An institution that receives a subaward passed-through from a Prime award applicant/recipient institution in order to carry out part of the Prime Award scope of work.
F&A (indirect) cost basis where F&A costs are applied to all project costs.
F&A (indirect) cost basis where F&A costs are applied to all direct costs.
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