Addendum to Guidelines for Ramping Up On-Campus Research introducing Phase 1x to begin May 11, 2020
Effective May 11, 2020, UC Davis enters Phase 1x of our On-Campus Research Ramp-Up Plan: small, incremental steps to allow the restart of further critical research projects while maintaining adherence to public health guidance and maintaining appropriate hazard mitigation strategies.
There is a strict approval process in place. For example, staffing is limited to one person per approximately 250 square feet of lab space. Also, principal investigators need to have a process in place to log access to their facilities for contact tracing if needed.
Again, this is a gradual ramp-up in a four-phase plan, and changes may take effect at any time, as the pandemic evolves. Our goal is to enable projects that are critical while maintaining a low density of people in a space and minimal person-to-person contacts.
Please read through the full guidance and continue to utilize our best practices to mitigate the potential for COVID-19 spread in our campus community.
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