
Access the Applicable Forms for Research Activities at UC Davis:

For additional information contact the responsible OR unit.


Animal Care & Use

The Office of Research Animal Care Program is led by the Campus Attending Veterinarian and provides oversight for the use and care of animals in research at UC Davis.

Biological Safety& Biohazard Use

Oversight of the use of infectious biological agents, recombinant DNA/RNA, and the propagation and release of recombinant organisms including plants, animals and microbial agents is the responsibility of UC Davis Safety Services.

Contract & Grant Administration (Sponsored Programs)

Sponsored Programs provides administrative support on issues pertaining to contract and grant administration. Below are forms and templates to assist in the preparation of proposals and management of awards.

  • Cayuse SP – Internal Processing Form – Select Cayuse SP
    • Instructions (PDF)
  • Cayuse SP – Role Delegation Authorization Form (PDF)
  • Form 105: Request for Exception to Policy on Eligibility to Undertake Sponsored Research/Other Sponsored Activity (PDF)
  • Form 205A: Sample Cover Page (PDF)
  • Budget Templates
  • Protocol Certification Form (PDF)
  • Human Fetal Tissue (HFT) blank IRB approved Consent Form for NIH Funded Research (PDF)
  • AB 20: Model Contract Language for Contracts with State of California Agencies
  • FDP Subrecipient Pilot – Letter of Intent/Commitment Form (PDF)
    • Use when UC Davis is the Subrecipient Organization
  • Forms for (outgoing) Subawards (Visit the Subawards section for instructions)
    • PI/Department Checklist (PDF)
    • Subrecipient or Contractor (Vendor) Guidance (PDF)
    • Subaward Request Form (PDF)
      • Instruction for Completing the Subaward Request Form (PDF)
    • Commitment Form(s)
    • Sole Source Justification Form (PDF)
    • Mini Audit Questionnaire (PDF)
    • Financial Disclosure Form – Non PHS (PDF)
    • PHS Financial Disclosure Form (PDF)
  •  Research Agreement Template for Projects Sponsored by For-Profit Entities (PDF)

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Export Control

The Research Ethics and Compliance Office provides administrative support on issues pertaining to export control.

Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research

The Conflict of Interest Committee (COIC), with support from the Research Ethics and Compliance Office (RECO), reviews investigator disclosures of outside financial interests, determines with the outside interest(s) constitute a real or apparent conflict of interest (financial conflicts of interest), and recommends to the Vice Chancellor of Research a plan to manage conflicts.

The Electronic Conflict of Interest (eCOI) system is for filing all financial disclosures: 700-U, Form 800, PHS Form, Supplemental Form. Paper forms will not be accepted.

Access eCOI System Here

Selecting the Correct Form

  • 700-U:  State of California form used to report outside Financial Interests when research is sponsored or supported by non-governmental entities (e.g. private entities).
    • Do not submit this form if State of California has exempted the sponsor (please see list of exempt sponsors).
  • Form 800:  To report outside financial interests when research is sponsored by all governmental entities (e.g. NSF, CIRM) (except PHS) and all non-PHS funded human subject research.
  • Supplemental Form: Required when a 700-U (if you answered yes to any question) or Form 800 (if you answered yes to the disclosure question) is “positive”.
  • PHS Form: To report outside financial interests sponsored by PHS entities (e.g. NIH).
    • Please see the list of sponsors that require compliance for PHS Regulations.

Human Anatomical Specimen and Tissue

The Research Ethics and Compliance Office provides administrative support to the Human Anatomical Specimen and Tissue Oversight Committee (HASTOC).

    • An Anatomical Materials Request Application (AMRA) must be submitted to the Body Donation Program for review and approval in order to obtain an anatomical specimen. Please contact the Body Donation Program.

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IRB Administration

To access forms related to IRB review, please visit the IRB Forms webpage on the UC Davis IRB website.

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Intellectual Property Management (Tech Transfer)

Tech Transfer provides administrative support on issues pertaining to intellectual property management.

Proposal Development Services

The Proposal Development Services unit coordinates the development and preparation of interdisciplinary research activities.

Requests for Office of Research Funding:

The Business & Finance unit administers Office of Research funding programs.

  • Internal Research Funding (DOCX)
  • Catastrophic Repair Request Checklist (PDF)

Stem Cell Research

The Research Ethics and Compliance Office provides administrative support on issues pertaining to stem cell research and supports the Stem Cell Research Oversight committee.

  • Application to Conduct Human Stem Cell Research (DOC)
  • Request for Protocol Amendment (PDF)
  • Report of Unforeseen Issues Involving Research with Human Embryonic Stem Cells (DOC)

Training & Education Certification Form

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