banner for event with title, time and date: february 25 at 10:30am

Team Research Forum: Utilizing BioAMS in Research and Clinical Settings

Join the UC Davis Office of Research in a discussion with Dr. Bruce Buchholz, a Senior Scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) about utilizing Biological Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (BioAMS) in research and clinical settings.  For 30 years, LLNL has led the world in applying this ultra-sensitive quantitative technique in basic research and clinical studies.

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Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is a premier research and development institution for science and technology applied to national security needs. LLNL, is one of the seventeen U.S. Department of Energy national laboratories, that applies its expertise to preventing the spread and use of weapons of mass destruction and to strengthening homeland security, as well as enhancing biomedical research that directly improves the well-being of our armed forces and the nation. Our national security mission requires special multidisciplinary capabilities that are also used to pursue programs in advanced defense technologies, energy, environment, human health, and basic sciences to meet important national needs.

From the first biological Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (BioAMS) studies conducted 30 years ago, LLNL has led the world in applying the ultra-sensitive quantitative technique in basic research and clinical studies. This presentation will describe applications of AMS from published examples, describe how it differs from conventional mass spectrometry, and how to use it to approach problems with sensitivity. Applications from Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Elimination (ADME) studies, pharmacokinetics, and adduct formation will be highlighted. Procedures for accessing the NIH-funded User Resource for Biological AMS and receiving free measurements will be described.


bruce buchholzDr. Bruce Buchholz
Senior Scientist
Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Dr. Bruce Buchholz is a senior scientist at the Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry at LLNL and the Project Manager for the NIH User Resource for Biological Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (BioAMS). For the past 25 years he has designed and conducted 14C-tracer biological AMS studies with collaborators around the world in the fields of nutrition, environmental toxicology, cancer biology, pesticide ADME, and cell biology. He holds a B.A. from Ripon College, M.S. from Northwestern University and Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Illinois. Before joining LLNL he completed postdocs at Argonne National Laboratory in nuclear-chemical engineering and at UC Davis in pesticide ADME with Prof. Bruce Hammock in the Department of Entomology.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is operated by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.



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