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October 17: The Long and Short of It: Assessing the Health Effects of Wildfire Smoke

Due to climate change, wildfire events are increasing in frequency and intensity globally. Join the California National Primate Research Center on Thursday, October 17th at noon for a presentation where Lisa Miller, PhD will discuss what is known about the human health impacts of wildfire smoke and what has been learned from research conducted at the CNPRC.


lisa miller portraitLisa Miller, PhD
Associate Director of Research
California National Primate Research Center

Lisa A. Miller, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Anatomy, Physiology & Cell Biology in the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. She serves as the Associate Director of Research, Cardiorespiratory Diseases Unit Leader, and Inhalation Exposure Core Leader at the California National Primate Research Center, which is one of seven National Primate Research Centers supported by the NIH. Miller’s research is focused on investigating the impact of environmental exposures on pulmonary and immune system development during early life. She uses small and large animal models, as well as cell culture approaches to address questions related to mucosal immune mechanisms in pediatric populations, with an emphasis on understanding susceptibility to lung disease in children. Dr. Miller’s work on California wildfire smoke exposure in young rhesus monkeys has been frequently highlighted by global news media.


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