eScholarship, the UC’s scholarly repository and publishing platform

eScholarship, the UC’s Scholarly Repository and Publishing Platform

The UC Davis Library and Office of Research encourage you to utilize eScholarship, the University of California’s open access repository and scholarly publishing platform. Managed by the California Digital Library on behalf of the ten UC campus libraries, eScholarship offers a suite of services that empower UC scholars to directly control the preservation and dissemination of their research.

By depositing your work in eScholarship, you can ensure that your research reaches a global audience without barriers to access. The platform supports a wide range of content, including postprints, working papers, electronic theses and dissertations, student capstone projects, and seminar/conference proceedings. Its open access model not only increases the visibility and impact of your individual research but also aligns with the broader academic movement towards freely accessible scholarly communication.

To take advantage of eScholarship’s offerings, UC Davis scholars can deposit their work directly into the repository, ensuring long-term preservation and widespread dissemination. The platform also provides publishing and production tools, including a full editorial and peer review system. Engaging with eScholarship not only enhances the reach of your research but also contributes to the University of California’s mission of advancing knowledge, preserving the scholarly record, and serving the public good.

For assistance with open access publishing or to learn more about eScholarship, please contact the Library’s Scholarly Communication Officer, Michael Ladisch, at [email protected] or 530-752-6385.


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