Now Recruiting: Professor and Director, Coastal Marine and Sciences Institute (CMSI)
The UC Davis Office of Research invites applications for the position of Director, Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute (CMSI). This position, open to all candidates who are eligible to hold a tenured faculty position at UC Davis, will be appointed at a level of 75% for five years with the possibility of extension. The director will hold an additional 25% tenured faculty appointment (associate or full professor) in a relevant academic department to be determined at the time of appointment. Upon completion of the term(s) as director, the individual will hold a 100% appointment in an academic department.
General Description
CMSI is organized under the auspices of the Office of Research and coordinates and integrates the diverse research and teaching activities in coastal and marine science and policy across multiple colleges at UC Davis. This work spans from the Davis campus to the Bodega Marine Laboratory (BML) and beyond. Through interdisciplinary research and engagement with stakeholders, CMSI works to address the most pressing challenges in coastal and marine sciences, including those related to the sustainability of coastal ocean systems. The institute catalyzes emerging and novel integrations across a wide variety of disciplines in support of new coastal ocean science, builds collaborations to enhance funding for research, and develops infrastructure to support the synergy of these interdisciplinary efforts.
Summary Qualifications and Experience
As a faculty member, the successful candidate will be responsible for:
- Advance the mission of CMSI while maintaining their own internationally recognized research program
- Mentoring undergraduate and graduate students, and teaching regular courses determined by their academic department.
Responsibilities of the director position include:
- Updating and implementing the CMSI strategic plan
- Overseeing an appropriate, sustainable business model for operations including a vision for the renewal of facilities at BML
- Leading the unique educational and research efforts of an interdisciplinary program anchored by a flagship laboratory
- Securing funding from a wide spectrum of state, federal and private research and education sources,
- Creating an impactful community outreach and communication strategy to expand the range of supporters of CMSI and BML.
- PhD, or equivalent degree, in marine science or engineering, or a closely related discipline
- Distinguished track record of scholarly publication and teaching
- Demonstrated leadership, management or administrative ability, ideally with prior experience in overseeing multi-faceted, interdisciplinary research enterprises within a university environment
- Experience with building synergistic relationships with state, and federal agencies, private foundations, community-based organizations, and industry-based research funding organizations
- Understanding of marine- and coastal-related political, policy, and protocol issues and familiarity with decision makers in relevant federal, state, corporate and non-profit organizations
We seek candidates who aspire to advance UC Davis’s strategic goal of improving access and building an inclusive community for all populations, and who demonstrate commitment to, or strong potential for commitment to, the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion for historically underrepresented and marginalized communities.
Application Procedure and Deadline
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. However, for full consideration, please submit your letter of application by April 18, 2025. Please submit the following electronically at
- Cover Letter
- Curriculum Vitae – Please submit a complete CV including full publication, funding, teaching and mentorship records
- Statement of Research – Describe past research contributions and statement of how your research program would fit in coastal and marine sciences at UC Davis (about 2 pages)
- Statement of Teaching and Mentorship – Describe your pedagogical values and methods, your record of mentorship, and what coastal and marine science courses (undergraduate & graduate) you would teach (about 2 pages)
- Statement of past administrative experience and vision for CMSI (about 2 pages)
- he names of 3 – 5 individuals who can provide a reference
- Authorization to Release Information
The University of California, in accordance with applicable federal and state law and university policy, prohibits discrimination against or harassment of any person employed by or seeking employment with the university based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related), ancestry, marital status or age. The University of California also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, status as a Vietnam-era veteran or special disabled veteran or within the limits imposed by law or university policy, on the basis of citizenship.
In conformance with applicable law and university policy, the University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. The university undertakes affirmative action for underrepresented minorities and women, for persons with disabilities and for Vietnam-era veterans and disabled veterans. Affirmative actions include training programs, outreach efforts, and other positive steps to ensure equal employment opportunity.