CWEE Webinar – How Onsite Non-Potable Water Reuse Systems Can Secure California’s Water Future

How Onsite Non-Potable Water Reuse Systems Can Secure California’s Water Future: Barriers, Solutions, and the Business Case – November 21, 2019 10:00-11:00 AM PST

Onsite Non-Potable Water Systems can play an important role in securing California’s water future by reducing the consumption of water and energy, increasing system resilience, and improving water security. Using information taken from a survey of water system stakeholders, this webinar will outline the barriers that have prevented the growth of these systems and offer concrete solutions to these challenges. Special focus will be taken on making the business case for onsite systems.

Topics Highlighted:

  • The main barriers to onsite non-potable reuse such that stakeholders can tackle them using the presented solutions and recommendations
  • Solutions to be addressed at a state-level with a focus on making the business case for individual systems

Project Sponsor: California Energy Commission
Project Partner: Jackson Family Wines


Amanda Rupiper
PhD candidate and Graduate Student Researcher
Center for Water-Energy Efficiency

Amelia Luna
Innovation Project Manager
Sherwood Design Engineers

Register Today!

About the Energy Exchange Webinar Series

This webinar series is provided by the UC Davis Energy and Efficiency Institute’s research centers (California Lighting Technology Center, Center for Water-Energy Efficiency and Western Cooling Efficiency Center) as part of our Affiliates Program. These webinars create opportunities to share our current research and engage with stakeholders. Please contact Ali Loge with any questions.


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