Federal Research Funding Executive Actions 2025

Federal Research Funding Executive Actions 2025

Page Last Updated 2/27/2025

The UC Davis Office of Research is working closely with campus and UC leadership and our federal governmental relations team to track the ongoing situation regarding the impact of the 2025 Executive Orders. We created the following page as a resource to provide updates, guidance and resources as they become available.

The University of California Office of the President developed a similar page offering updates on the broader impacts beyond (and including) research.

The following content is specific to the implications for research at UC Davis.

Provisional Guidance from the Office of Research

Important: All work for federally funded domestic and international grants should continue unless instructed otherwise directly by the funding agency or campus administration.

  • Proposal Submissions: We encourage you to continue writing and submitting federal grants. Reconfirm proposal deadlines and requirements on the agency’s website. Sign up for alerts if available.
  • Awards: Continue to work on your grants and contracts unless you are notified directly by the agency or campus administration.
    • If you receive a stop-work order, suspension, requests to personally certify compliance or other notice, contact EAVC for Research Denise Ehlen ([email protected]). Do not respond directly to the agency.
  • Travel: All travel should continue unless instructed otherwise directly by the funding agency or campus administration.


2/26/2025:  Highlighting Impact

The Office of Strategic Communications, in partnership with the Office of Research and Government and Community Relations, launched “From Labs to Lives,” a series highlighting faculty research impact.

2/20/2025:  New Resources Added

2/10/2025:  Office of Research to Host Online Office Hours 2/14/2025

The Office of Research will host an online “Office Hours” session on February 14 to discuss the 2025 White House Executive Orders, resulting actions of the federal research funding agencies and their impact on research at UC Davis.  Learn more and register here.

2/9/2025: NIH Updates to Indirect Costs

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) late on Friday afternoon issued new guidance regarding indirect costs, also known as Facilities and Administration (F&A) costs. Guidance has been provided to your campus research administration on how to handle proposal/award actions due at NIH. Please contact the Sponsored Programs Office or Contract and Grants Accounting for assistance.

As you are aware, F&A costs support the specialized infrastructure needed for our research, including personnel needed to ensure compliance with federal regulations (research administration, IRB, IACUC etc.), facilities and labs, research equipment, IT services, and utilities. These costs are determined through a rigorous federal process and ensure UC Davis’s ability to sustain our cutting-edge research mission.

Related update on 2/10/2025: The University of California submitted a declaration in support of the California Attorney General’s suit against the federal government in response to new guidance issued by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Later in the day a temporary restraining order was secured to block the flat 15% indirect cost rate on all HHS funds.  The pause will remain until otherwise ordered by the court. The next hearing is scheduled set for February 21, 2025.

2/7/2025: UCOP Guidance on Executive Orders

UC Office of the President launched a website outlining  UC’s approach to the executive orders and other changes in the federal landscape.

1/29/2025: Update on Federal Funding Freeze

While the temporary freeze on federal grants has been rescinded by OMB, our current guidance (captured above) has not changed.  We will continue to monitor and provide updates as additional information is made available.

Federal agency actions related to the executive orders remain in effect and may continue. Please continue to follow the guidance below. PIs should continue to forward any stop-work orders, suspensions, or requests to personally certify compliance to EAVC for Research Denise Ehlen ([email protected]). Do not respond directly to the agency.

1/28/2025: Federal Research Funding Executive Actions 2025

The Office of Research is working closely with campus leadership, the University of California Office of the President, and our federal governmental relations and legal counsel teams to provide our campus research community guidance related to a variety of federal actions including executive orders, stop -work orders and the temporary pause issued on federal grants. While the pause of federal grants was proposed to go into effect 2 pm PT, January 28, a  federal judge intervened and blocked the expansive funding freeze until Feb. 3.

We recognize these actions and the related uncertainty are creating significant stress for our research community. We can assure you that we are diligently analyzing the details as they become available and are committed to providing you with timely, accurate and actionable information.  We will continue to send updates as they become available.

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