New Office of Research Website
The Office of Research is pleased to announce the launch of an enhanced website. Here is an overview of the changes within the new site.
Content Organized by Researcher Workflow
The approach to how content is organized is shifted to focus on the workflow from the researcher’s perspective as opposed to by our office units, ultimately making it easier to find the information you need. This approach also helps to connect you with related services and opportunities depending on the stage of research you are in.
Index Page with Quick Links to Showcase the Services Available to Researchers
The Office of Research and our campus partners offer a wide range of services and resources to help you succeed. We created an index page that captures each of these in one location so you can quickly become familiar with the opportunities and support available to you. This page will be a great starting point if you are newer to UC Davis or exploring new levels of support.
Improved Research Core Directory
The Office of Research has developed a new online Research Core Directory to bring visibility to all UC Davis research cores, research facilities, and shared resources. The directory will serve as a centralized and searchable database for researchers to discover and access the research resources available across campus, including specialized instruments, expert services and collaboration opportunities.
Design with a Priority on Ease of Use and Quick Navigation
Our first priority is to get you to the information you need, quickly. From the start, our design focused on ease of use, quick access and tools to group related information. We added a search tool as the very first item on our homepage. We also implemented quick link cards throughout the site to group and elevate the most helpful resources.
Streamlined and Updated Content
This project offered the ideal opportunity to streamline and update content throughout the site.
Modern Design with Enhanced Viewing on Mobile Platforms
Our data shows that most people access our website from a desktop but the share of mobile device use is growing. Our new design incorporates a more flexible approach that serves both platforms well.
Access to the Latest News and Events
We added the latest news and events in the side panel of most pages so you can learn about opportunities and important announcements.
We Want to Hear From You!
We would appreciate your feedback. Tell us what you like, don’t like or would like to see changed. Please send your feedback or