Research Programs

Interdisciplinary Research Units

Interdisciplinary Research Units

Explore our unique network of Organized Research Units and Special Research Programs that bring together experts from different field of study to address some of society’s most complex issues.


Core Facilities

Core Facilities and Services

Discover how our Core Facilities provide access to shared resources, such as technologies, equipment, services, and expert consultation to ensure a world-call research infrastructure.


Grand Challenges

UC Davis Grand Challenges

Learn about how UC Davis is catalyzing our campus community to go beyond team science to holistically tackle the Earth’s most daunting challenges.


Clinical Research

Clinical Research

UC Davis conducts more than 1,000 clinical research studies annually, including basic science, translational and clinical trial research — all with the goal of bringing new, effective and safe treatments to patients.


Schools and Colleges Research

Colleges and Schools Research

Explore the research being conducted by faculty within our four colleges and six professional schools that drives advancements in each specific field of study.


Faculty Expertise

Faculty Expertise

Find experts in specific areas of study using one of our publicly available search portals.
