Research Proposal and Award Operations During COVID-19 Pandemic

Research Proposal and Award Operations During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Sponsored Programs Office remains operational and continues to process proposals and manage awards. Proposals, awards and outgoing subawards related to COVID-19 are being prioritized.

To ensure COVID-19 related actions get prioritized, please ensure the following:

  • Proposals: The PI must submit projects using Cayuse, include “COVID-19” in the project title, provide budget/budget justification and certify the proposal in Cayuse. PI’s should also send an email to [email protected] identifying the proposal as addressing COVID-19.
  • Awards/Award Agreements:  SPO will prioritize negotiation of COVID-19 awards if we are on notice that the award is for COVID-19. Health System Contracts will negotiate/process industry sponsored human clinical trials. SPO will review/negotiate all other clinical trials, including award coming from industry sponsors using federal funds. PI’s should also send an email to [email protected] identifying the proposal as addressing COVID-19.
  • Outgoing subawards: “COVID-19” should be in the title of the project.

Agency specific updated on submission deadlines:

  • NIH released a notice that for all proposals with March and April deadlines may be submitted any time through May 1
  • NSF published a list of funding opportunities for which they have extended the deadline
  • USDA describes their deadline extensions here
  • DOE guidance on submission deadlines can be found here
  • The Department of Defense recommends speaking directly to program officers to request an extension, or check FOA amendments for agency-issued extensions


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