Team Research Forum: UCD/LBNL Partnership and Opportunities
Join the UC Davis Office of Research in a discussion with Carol Burns, Deputy Director for Research and Chief Research Officer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Dr. Burns will discuss her new role with the lab, deep history in research and opportunities for UC Davis researchers to work with the lab.

Carol J. Burns Deputy Director for Research Chief Research Officer Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Carol Burns was recently appointed Deputy Director for Research and Chief Research Officer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab). Burns joins the Berkeley Lab with deep experience in the DOE national laboratory system. In this role, she is responsible for the development, implementation, and stewardship of Berkeley Lab’s research enterprise, and serves as the Lab’s chief research liaison with the Office of Science, the University, the other national labs, and other key partners.
Carol brings more than 25 years of scientific leadership experience in a national laboratory setting, most recently serving as executive officer to the Deputy Director for Science, Technology, and Engineering at Los Alamos National Laboratory, assisting in oversight of line and DOE program organizations, as well as coordinating the integration of science and technology strategy, as well as associated investments and stewardship mechanisms.
Burns is a recognized expert in f-element and radiochemistry with more than 100 peer-reviewed publications and invited book chapters, and has served on a number of editorial boards, review boards, and advisory panels. She pioneered the development of an entirely new class of high-valent uranium compounds containing metal-ligand multiple bonds, contributing substantially to the understanding of the electronic structure of the early actinides. She is the recipient of a number of awards for scientific achievement and leadership, most recently the American Chemical Society’s Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal, recognizing distinguished service in chemistry by women chemists. She is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
She has extensive experience in the systems enabling the research enterprise in the national laboratories, including a deep commitment to workforce development and diversity in STEM. She has experience in science policy at the national level, having served as a senior policy analyst in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
Burns received her B.A. in Chemistry from Rice University, and her Ph,D, in Chemistry as a Hertz Foundation Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley.
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