Tree Variety Licensing Program

Protected UC Davis Tree Varieties

Tree Nut Varieties

Almond Varieties

The Sweetheart Cultivar

‘Sweetheart’ is an almond cultivar from the breeding program of the University of California at Davis, CA. ‘Sweetheart’ kernels have a cordate shape and very high oleic acid content and so are similar to the premium roasting quality Spanish cultivar Marcona but with a much higher kernel-to-nut ratio. ‘Sweetheart’ shows good overlap with the economically important early bloom of ‘Nonpareil’ and possessing a cross-incompatibility controlling S-genotype of S1S14, it is fully cross-compatible with ‘Nonpareil’ (S7S8) and cross-compatible with all currently planted California almond cultivars except ‘Winters’ (S1S14). Trees have an upright and open architecture, which produce high yields with good year-to-year production consistency. The name ‘Sweetheart’ refers both to its high heart-healthy oleic acid content and its heart-shaped kernel.

Commercial Availability

Producers can obtain Sweetheart Almond from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California.  See Licensed Nurseries List.

The Kester Cultivar

The ‘Kester’ tree is vigorous and upright to spreading. Production occurs on a combination of spurs and terminal shoots and is similar to or slightly smaller than ‘Nonpareil’ in final tree size. This growth habit confers high productivity with an open tree architecture that allows improved light penetration and air circulation to the canopy interior and so reduces blossom, foliar and fruit disease. Kernels are similar to ‘Nonpareil’, with an ovate shape and an oblique base. The incidence of undesirable kernel types, including double kernels and kernels with multiple embryos is consistently low, similar to ‘Nonpareil’. The development of creases or folding of the kernel seedcoat, which is undesirable in the fresh and blanched kernel markets, is also very low. Nuts are well sealed at maturity, providing a high kernel-to-nut crack-out ratio as well as protection from important pests and diseases. Flowers are large and showy, and are white at full bloom although slightly pink at the bud stage. Field trials have shown ‘Kester’ to be fully cross-compatible with ‘Nonpareil’ and its early-bloom pollenizers. Molecular studies have shown one S-allele in common with ‘Nonpareil’, whereas the S-allele from the ‘Arbuckle’ parent appears to be novel and thus potentially cross-compatible with all currently documented commercial incompatibility groups

Commercial Availability

Producers can obtain Kester Almond from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California.  See Licensed Nurseries List.

Pistachio Varieties

The Gumdrop Cultivar

‘Gumdrop’ is a female cultivar released in 2016 for those primarily seeking a very early-harvesting cultivar. ‘Gumdrop’ can be used to spread out the length of the harvest season by permitting much earlier harvest to reduce peak demand for harvesting personnel, equipment and processing facilities which occurs when ‘Kerman’ harvest begins. For a given location, ‘Gumdrop’ has been ready for harvest ten days earlier than ‘Golden Hills’ and ‘Lost Hills’ and 21 days earlier than ‘Kerman’. Earlier harvest may reduce fall rain-related nut-cluster disease and navel orange worm infestation. ‘Gumdrop’ produces nut yields comparable to those of ‘Golden Hills’ and ‘Kerman’. Nuts have a high inshell split nut percentage. Individual nuts are well split yet retain good shell-hinge strength. As the name implies, this cultivar produces more gum on the hull than does ’Kerman’ or ‘Golden Hills’. ‘Gumdrop’ matures in the heat of summer and should be harvested soon after nuts mature. Due to its early harvest, initial plantings should be made by growers who are assured access to a processing facility that will be open for business when ‘Gumdrop’ is ready for harvest.

Commercial Availability

Pistachio growers can obtain Gumdrop from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Famoso Cultivar

‘Famoso’ is a male pistachio released in 2016 that may be used as the principal or adjunct pollinizer for ‘Kerman’. ‘Famoso’ produces good quantities of viable pollen. ‘Famoso’ produces flowers at a younger tree age than does ‘Peters’, and more closely matches the flowering dates of ‘Kerman’ than does ‘Peters’, especially in seasons during which ‘Kerman’ bloom is extended. It was developed to overlap the earlier part of the ‘Kerman’ bloom period. Bloom density is higher in ‘Famoso’ than in ‘Peters’. In low-chill years, ‘Famoso’ has maintained better bloom synchrony with ‘Kerman’, especially in blocks that have been “oiled”.

Commercial Availability

Pistachio growers can obtain Famoso from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Tejon Cultivar

’Tejon’ is an early flowering male pistachio released in 2016 that may be used as the principal pollinizer for ’Gumdrop’. It has flowering synchrony with ’Gumdrop’ and produces good quantities of viable pollen. ‘Tejon’ may be planted as an early-flowering male in orchards of ‘Golden Hills’ and ‘Lost Hills’ to improve pollination in years with low winter chilling.

Commercial Availability

Pistachio growers can obtain Tejon from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Golden Hills Cultivar

’Golden Hills’ is a female pistachio cultivar released in 2005 with improved performance characteristics compared to the standard female cultivar ’Kerman’. ’Golden Hills’ produces a greater yield and higher percentage of split, edible nuts than ’Kerman’ while maintaining a similar low percentage of loose shells and kernels. Harvest date is 2 to 4 weeks earlier than ’Kerman’, which will permit growers to extend their harvest period and better utilize harvesting equipment and personnel. Earlier harvest may reduce disease in the northern production areas of California by permitting an earlier harvest before fall rains, as well as reducing Navel Orangeworm infestations.

Commercial Availability

Pistachio growers can obtain Golden Hills from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Lost Hills Cultivar

’Lost Hills’ is a female pistachio cultivar released in 2005 that is being released as a potential replacement for ’Kerman’, the industry standard female cultivar. ’Lost Hills’ produced substantially higher percentages of split, edible nuts than ’Kerman’ in 2003 when split percentages for ’Kerman’ were very low. Nut size for ’Lost Hills’ is larger than for ’Kerman’. Harvest date is 2 to 4 weeks earlier than ’Kerman’, which will permit growers to extend their harvest period and better utilize harvesting equipment and personnel. Earlier harvest may reduce disease in the northern production areas of California by permitting an earlier harvest before fall rains, as well as reducing Navel Orangeworm infestations.

Commercial Availability

Pistachio growers can obtain Lost Hills from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Randy Cultivar

’Randy’ is a early flowering male pistachio released in 2005 that may be used as a pollinizer for ’Golden Hills’ and ’Lost Hills’. It has flowering synchrony with ’Golden Hills’ and ’Lost Hills’ and may be used to cover the earlier part of the ’Kerman’ flowering period during seasons in which ’Kerman’ flowering is extended. This generally occurs during seasons of low chill. Under these conditions, ’Peters’, the standard male used to pollinize ’Kerman’, often flowers too late to cover the earlier port of the ’Kerman’ bloom period or to serve as an effective pollinizer for the new female cultivars. ’Randy’ was selected for high pollen viability, pollen durability, and a high level of pollen production (based on visual evaluation). ’Randy’ flowers 1 to 3 weeks earlier than ’Peters’, the standard pollinizer for ’Kerman’.

Commercial Availability

Pistachio growers can obtain Randy from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The UC Westside Cultivar

‘UC Westside’ is a late-blooming male pistachio developed and selected through the University of California breeding program as a pollenizer for the ‘Kerman’ female cultivar. ‘UC Westside’ demonstrates the following:
• high inflorescence number per branch,
• high pollen weight per inflorescence and,
• excellent pollen germination in laboratory tests.

Commercial Availability

Pistachio growers can obtain UC Westside from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

Walnut Varieties

The Forde Cultivar


‘Forde’ has high early yields and a harvest date that averages 5 days before Chandler but has been moving earlier, up to 10 days before ‘Chandler’. ‘Forde’ leafs out about 5 days before ‘Chandler’ and is protogynous, 100% laterally fruitful and has a low blight score. Potential pollenizers are ‘Payne’, ‘Vina’,
‘Serr’ and ‘Sexton’. The nuts are oval to round and medium textured with good seal and shell strength. The large kernels (9 gram) are light and extra light and make up about 54% of the total nut weight. ‘Forde’ is intermediate in vigor between ‘Sexton’ and ‘Gillet’. ‘Forde’ is named after Harold Forde who was an outstanding walnut breeder at UCDavis between 1948 and 1978, and a benefactor of the current Walnut Breeding Program. ‘Forde’s parents are UC61-25 for yield and size, and ‘Chico’ for yield.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain Forde from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Gillet Cultivar


‘Gillet’ (UC95-22-26) has high yields on young trees and a harvest date 10-20 days
before ‘Chandler’. ‘Gillet’ leafs out a week or more before ‘Chandler’, is protogynous,
100% laterally fruitful and has a very low blight score. Potential pollenizers are ‘Payne’,
‘Vina’, ‘Serr’ and ‘Sexton’. The nuts are somewhat more oblong than ‘Sexton’ but are
similar with adequate seals and strength, easy to remove light colored kernels and an 8.2
gram nut which makes up over 50% of the nut weight. ‘Gillet’ is the most vigorous of the
three new varieties. ‘Gillet’ is named after Felix Gillet who introduced walnut varieties
like ‘Franquette’ into northern California near the turn of the century. ‘Gillet’s parents are
UC76-80 for quality and ‘Chico’ for yield.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain Gillet from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Sexton Cultivar


‘Sexton’ is characterized by very high yields on young trees and a harvest
date at least one week before ‘Chandler’. ‘Sexton’ leafs out a week before ‘Chandler’ but
has low blight scores and is 100% fruitful on laterals with abundant male and female
flowers. ‘Sexton’ is protandrous but the male overlaps most of the pistillate bloom.
Potential pollenizers are ‘Howard’, ‘Tulare’ and ‘Chandler’. The nuts are relatively
smooth and round with good seals and good strength. The kernels are light colored, easy
to remove from the shell and at 8-9 grams make up more than 50% of the nut weight.
‘Sexton’ has a densely branching canopy and may require substantial training and
pruning of young trees to prevent overbearing. A second flowering can occur and may
result in a few small nuts. Although it has the best tasting nut, several growers and farm
advisors are disappointed with the tree structure. ‘Sexton’ is named after Joseph Sexton
who started the walnut industry in Southern California with the planting of Santa Barbara
soft-shelled walnuts in 1868 in Goleta. ‘Sexton’s parents are ‘Chandler’ for quality, and
UC85-8, a Chinese introduction, for yield, size and precocity.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain Sexton from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Ivanhoe Cultivar


Ivanhoe produces large, light-colored kernels and high yields. It is precocious and 100% laterally fruitful. Ivanhoe leafs out with Payne and Serr but the female bloom is about a week earlier than the male bloom. Ivanhoe harvests 4 weeks before Chandler, similar to Payne or Serr. The tree is moderately vigorous and is not resistant to blight, so consider planting in the driest of walnut growing regions.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain Ivanhoe from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Solano Cultivar


Solano leafs out 10 days before Chandler and 7 days after Payne and harvest is about 2 weeks before Chandler. It is precocious and is 100% laterally fruitful. In trials Solano has shown low susceptibility to blight when compared to other early varieties. The tree appears to produce high yields and consistently light kernels. Kernels are 8.0 grams and edible yield of kernels is 55%. Nuts are uniform and oval with suitable strength and seal for in-shell use. Solano’s growth habit is of average vigor and size similar to Chandler. Suitable pollenizers are Chandler, Tulare, or Howard.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain Solano from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Durham Cultivar


Harvest about 10 days earlier than Chandler. Leafing date is late, making it better for blight avoidance, especially good for the Sacramento Valley area. Durham has a plump, light-colored kernel and a smooth, atttractive shell.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain Durham from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The UC Wolfskill Cultivar



UC Wolfskill was bred in 2003 from a cross of Chandler with the Solano walnut. UC Wolfskill combines the color and shell traits of Chandler with the earlier harvest date and kernel fill of Solano. UC Wolfskill can be harvested 12 to 14 days earlier than Chandler and provides consistently light to extra light color.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain UC Wolfskill from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The RX1 Cultivar


RX1 is an advanced selection of paradox hybrid (Juglans microcarpa x Juglans regia). Selected for its resistance to Phytophthora and good survivability. Most adaptable rootstock, largest tree and highest yield in replicated trials. Shows some evidence of resistance to crown gall.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain RX1 from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The VX211 Cultivar


VX211 is an advanced selection of paradox hybrid (Juglans hindsii x Juglans regia). Selected for its root lesion nematode tolerance and vigor. This selection also has moderate resistance to Phytophthora and survives well in field tests.

Commercial Availability

Walnut growers can obtain VX211 from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

Stone Fruit Varieties

Peach Varieties

The Kader Cultivar

Kader forms attractive, high quality fruit that matures approximately 6 to 10 days ealier than that of the ‘Andross’ cultivar. Demonstrates a capacity to maintain good on-tree fruit quality for up to one week, allowing delayed harvest and economically efficient single harvest. Large and uniform fruit. Fine and non-melting; high quality flavor; very good canning quality. Primary ground color is a uniform orange-yellow, has a moderate amount of blush coloration.

Commercial Availability

Peach growers can obtain Kader from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California.  See Licensed Nurseries list.

The Vilmos Cultivar

Vilmos is a processing clingstone peach from the University of California Davis. Fruit ripens just after Andross with similar fruit flesh color and firmness. Fruit ripens evenly and will hold on the tree for a week or more, facilitating harvesting. Improved resistance to Monilinia fruit brown rot and flesh browning/bruising also contribute to very good delayed-harvest and post-harvest quality.

Commercial Availability

Peach growers can obtain Vilmos from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The HBOK 10 “Controller 8” Cultivar


When used as clonally-produced rootstocks with fresh market peach (O’Henry and Springcrest) and nectarine (Mayfire and Summer Fire) scions, HBOK 10 showed size reduction of compound trees and no evidence of graft incompatibility or other abnormalities. Compound trees with HBOK 10 were smaller by ~8-12 % (based on reduced tree height and smaller trunk cross-sectional area (TCA), showed generally showed greater cropping efficiency, fruit on compound trees either similar in size or smaller than Nemaguard, less wood from summer and winter pruning, and fewer root suckers than Nemaguard.

Graft Compatibility

HBOK 10 appears to be well adapted to California and can be used as a rootstock for dessert peach, canning peach, nectarine and possibly almond and apricot.

Resistance Traits

Shows resistance to root-knot nematode similar to that of Nemaguard. It may have resistance or tolerance to other types of nematodes, but that remains to be studied in more detail. Reactions to other diseases and pests appear to be similar to other rootstocks used in California.

Commercial Availability

Peach growers can obtain HBOK 10 from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The HBOK 32 “Controller 7” Cultivar


The new `HBOK32` rootstock, a hybrid between two peach parents, is useful as a commercial under-stock for peach and nectarine cultivars. Utilization of adapted growth controlling rootstocks in commercial orchard situations reduces the height of the tree and the amount of wood pruned in the winter and summer, without compromising the quality of the fruit. This in turn increases the efficiency of various cultural operations such as pruning, thinning and harvesting by reducing the need for workers in the field to use tall ladders when carrying out these operations.

Graft Compatibility

HBOK 32 is graft compatible with peach and nectarine scion cultivars.

Resistance Traits

HBOK 32 is resistant to root-knot nematode.

Commercial Availability

Peach growers can obtain HBOK 32 from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The HBOK 50 “Controller 9.5” Cultivar


HBOK 50 displays root knot nematode resistance levels similar to ‘Nemaguard’ and more resistance than ‘Lovell’.

Graft Compatibility

HBOK 50 is graft compatible with peach and nectarine scion cultivars, and perhaps almond cultivars.

Resistance Traits

HBOK 50 is resistant to root-knot nematode.

Commercial Availability

Peach growers can obtain HBOK 50 from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

The HBOK 27 “Controller 6” Cultivar


The ‘HBOK 27’ peach rootstock of the present invention is an ‘OP-F2’ plant from an F1 plant of an intraspecific hybrid between two peach parents that has size control ability, moderate root knot nematode resistance, less wood from dormant and summer pruning, and produces fewer root suckers. When used as a clonally-produced rootstock with fresh market peach (‘O’Henry’) scions, ‘HBOK 27’ showed size reduction of compound trees and no evidence of graft incompatibility or other abnormalities. Five year-old compound trees with ‘HBOK 27’ rootstock had 45 % smaller trunk cross-sectional area (TCA) than with the standard rootstock ‘Nemaguard’. The compound trees with ‘HBOK 27’ rootstock also had approximately 50% to 60% less wood from summer and winter pruning, and had fewer root suckers than ‘Nemaguard’. Although crop yield per tree usually was less than on ‘Nemaguard’ rootstock, the compound trees with ‘HBOK 27’ rootstock that were smaller generally showed greater cropping efficiency. The ability to plant smaller trees at greater density in commercial fields provides an opportunity to recover economically viable yields per unit area. Compound plants with ‘HBOK 27’ rootstocks provide an opportunity for growers to develop new management practices that utilize the potential of these rootstocks to lower costs through size reduction, reduced pruning and less need for sucker control.

Graft Compatibility

HBOK 27 is adapted to regions such as California, and can be used as a rootstock for dessert peach, canning peach, almond, apricot, and Japanese plum7.

Resistance Traits

Moderate resistance to root knot nematode (slightly less than that of the standard rootstock ‘Nemaguard’).

Commercial Availability

Peach growers can obtain HBOK 27 from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

Prune Varieties

The Muir Cultivar


Muir is the result of a cross between ‘Improved French’ and ‘Tulare Giant.’ The fruit of this cultivar are large, light purple to light bluish purple in color and covered with a grayish waxy bloom. The Muir variety is productive and a regular bearer.

Commercial Availability

Prune growers can obtain Muir from commercial nurseries licensed by the University of California. See Licensed Nurseries list.

Licensed Nurseries

Below are the current licensed nurseries and distributors in agreement with the University of California. You must obtain a license agreement if you would like to propagate and/or transfer UC varieties. To obtain a license in the U.S. and Canada, please contact us. To obtain a license outside the U.S., contact the appropriate Master Licensee.

Peach and Prune Licensees

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 27 Controller 6

Contact Information: 717-677-8105, [email protected],

26 Nursery Road, Aspers, PA 17304

Peach Varieties: Kader, Vilmos

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 10 Controller 8, HBOK 27 Controller 6, HBOK 32 Controller 7, HBOK 50 Controller 9.5

Prune Varieties: Muir

Contact Information: 209-874-1920, [email protected],

PO Box 429, Hickman, CA 95323

Peach Varieties: Kader

Contact Information: 209-531-0351, [email protected],

1555 Baldwin Road, Hughson, CA 95326

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 27 Controller 6

Contact Information: 916-645-8191,

525 Fowler Road, Newcastle, CA 95658

Peach Varieties: Kader, Vilmos

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 10 Controller 8, HBOK 27 Controller 6, HBOK 32 Controller 7, HBOK 50 Controller 9.5

Contact Information: 209-874-9100, [email protected]

23979 Lake Road, La Grange, CA 95329

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 27 Controller 6

Contact Information: 916-655-1019, [email protected],

3560 Sankey Road, Pleasant Grove, CA 95668

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 27 Controller 6

Contact Information: 503-474-1852, [email protected],

9375 SE Warmington Road, McMinnville, OR 97128

Peach Varieties: Vilmos

Contact Information: 209-847-2520, [email protected],

8437 Patterson Road, Oakdale, CA 95361

Peach Varieties: Kader, Vilmos

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 10 Controller 8, HBOK 27 Controller 6, HBOK 32 Controller 7, HBOK 50 Controller 9.5

Prune Varieties: Muir

Contact Information: 530-674-1145,

5320 Garden Highway, Yuba City, CA 95991

Peach Varieties: Kader, Vilmos

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 10 Controller 8, HBOK 27 Controller 6, HBOK 32 Controller 7, HBOK 50 Controller 9.5

Prune Varieties: Muir

Contact Information: 209-845-8733, [email protected],

12000 State Highway, Oakdale, CA 95361

Peach Varieties: Kader, Vilmos

Contact Information: 530-701-1423, [email protected],

1991 Falls Drive, Yuba City, CA 95993

Pistachio Licensees

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon, UC Westside

Contact: 559-842-7766, [email protected],

3621 N Howard Ave, Kerman, CA 93630

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact: 559-665-2100, [email protected],

23400 Road 24, Chowchilla, CA 93610

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Randy, Tejon

Contact: 916-605-0463, [email protected],

3560 Sankey Road, Pleasant Grove, CA 95668

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: 559-287-4262,

5815 West McKinley Avenue, Fresno, CA 93722

Pistachio Varieties: Golden Hills, Randy

Contact Information: 559-222-1055

285 West Shaw Avenue, Suite 202, Fresno, CA 93704

Pistachio Varieties: Golden Hills, Lost Hills, Randy

Contact Information: 209-874-1920, [email protected],

PO Box 429, Hickman, CA 95323

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: 209-531-0351, [email protected],

1555 Baldwin Road, Hughson, CA 95326

Pistachio Varieties: Golden Hills, Randy

Contact Information: 559-679-6632, [email protected],

308 E Jensen Ave, Fresno, CA 93706

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: 916-655-1019, [email protected],

3560 Sankey Road, Pleasant Grove, CA 95668

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: 800-634-1671, [email protected]

505 Baldwin Road, Patterson, CA 95363

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: 559-706-2683, [email protected]

336 Robertson Blvd, Chowchilla, CA 93610

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: 530-674-1145,

5320 Garden Highway, Yuba City, CA 95991

Pistachio Varieties: Golden Hills, Lost Hills, Randy

Contact Information: 559-437-2647, [email protected]

39639 Avenue 10, Madera, CA 93636

Pistachio Varieties: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: 661-758-4777, [email protected],

27920 McCombs Road, Wasco, CA 93280

International Master Licensees

Pistachio Varieties: Golden Hills, Lost Hills

Territories: European Union, United Kingdom

Contact Information: (+34) 957 42 17 32, [email protected],

Paseo de la Victoria, Cordoba, 14004 Spain

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 27 Controller 6, HBOK 32 Controller 7, HBOK 50 Controller 9.5

Pistachio Varieties: Golden Hills, Lost Hills, Randy

Prune Varieties: Muir

Walnut Varieties: Ivanhoe, Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Territories: Australia

Contact Information: 61 438 594 101, [email protected]

164 Lime Avenue, Mildura, Victoria, 3500 Australia

Walnut Varieties: Durham

Territories: European Union, United Kingdom

Contact Information: +44 1485 210091, [email protected],

PO Box 61, Hunstanton, United Kingdom, PE36 9BF

Peach Varieties: Late Ross

Peach Rootstock Varieties: HBOK 27 Controller 6

Walnut Varieties: Ivanhoe, Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1,VX211

Territories: Chile

Contact Information: (562) 2201 7885, [email protected]

Callao 3037, Los Condes, Santiago, Region Metropolitana, 75503111 Chile

Almond Varieties: Sweetheart

Prune Varieties: Muir

Territories: South Africa

Contact Information: +27 (0)21 887 6823, [email protected],

Fleurbaix, Van Reede Street, Stellenbosch, 7599 South Africa

Almond and Walnut Licensees

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Ivanhoe, Solano, UC Wolfskill

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1,VX211

Contact: 916-605-0463, [email protected],

3560 Sankey Road, Pleasant Grove, CA 95668

Walnut Varieties: Gillet

Contact: 559-805-8764, [email protected]

Almond Varieties: Sweetheart

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Ivanhoe, Solano, UC Wolfskill

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1,VX211

Contact Information: 209-874-1920, [email protected],

PO Box 429, Hickman, CA 95323

Almond Varieties: Kester, Sweetheart

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Ivanhoe, Solano, UC Wolfskill

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1,VX211

Contact Information: 209-531-0351, [email protected],

1555 Baldwin Road, Hughson, CA 95326

Almond Varieties: Kester, Sweetheart

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 916-645-8191,

525 Fowler Road, Newcastle, CA 95658

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: Rx1, VX211

Contact Information: 530-674-0141, [email protected]

2151 Redding Ave, Yuba City, CA 95993

Almond Varieties: Kester

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Ivanhoe, Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 209-874-9100, [email protected]

23979 Lake Road, La Grange, CA 95329

Almond Varieties: Sweetheart

Walnut Varieties: Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 530-671-1838, [email protected]

3307 Caminito Ave, Yuba City, CA 95991

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 530-795-0859,

4570 Putah Creek Road, Winters, CA 95694

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 559-679-6632, [email protected],

308 E Jensen Ave, Fresno, CA 93706

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Ivanhoe, Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 916-655-1019, [email protected],

3560 Sankey Road, Pleasant Grove, CA 95668

Walnut Varieties: Solano

Contact Information: 661-747-2136, [email protected]

2007 Branch Creek Street, Bakersfield, CA 93312

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 503-474-1852, [email protected],

9375 SE Warmington Road, McMinnville, OR 97128

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Ivanhoe, Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 209-998-4570, [email protected],

16325 Crows Landing Road, Crows Landing, CA 95313

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Ivanhoe, Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: Rx1, VX211

Contact Information: 800-634-1671, [email protected]

505 Baldwin Road, Patterson, CA 95363

Almond Varieties: Kester

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: Rx1, VX211

Contact Information: 209-847-2520, [email protected],

8437 Patterson Road, Oakdale, CA 95361

Almond Varieties: Kester, Sweetheart

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Gillet, Ivanhoe, Solano, UC Wolfskill

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 530-674-1145,

5320 Garden Highway, Yuba City, CA 95991

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: Rx1, VX211

Contact Information: 530-682-0118,

5625 Larkin Road, Live Oak, CA 95993

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: Rx1, VX211

Contact Information: 530-663-2057, [email protected]

PO Box 1107, Wheatland, CA 95692

Almond Varieties: Kester, Sweetheart

Walnut Varieties: Durham, Ivanhoe, Solano, UC Wolfskill

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 209-845-8733, [email protected],

12000 State Highway, Oakdale, CA 95361

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: VX211

Contact Information: 559-665-4405,

22648 Road 9, Chowchilla, CA 93610

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1

Contact Information: 805-525-1975, [email protected],

15245 W Telegraph Road, Santa Paula, CA 93060

Walnut Varieties: Solano

Walnut Rootstock Varieties: RX1, VX211

Contact Information: 530-701-1423, [email protected],

1991 Falls Drive, Yuba City, CA 95993

Walnut Varieties: UC Wolfskill

Contact Information: 559-594-4474, [email protected]

17201 Avenue 315, Visalia, CA 93291

Pistachio Budding Licensees

Licensed Varieties to Bud: Golden Hills, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: Santiago Martin, 661-588-8675, [email protected]

Bakersfield, CA

Licensed Varieties to Bud: Golden Hills, Randy

Contact Information: Joe Loredo, 559-859-0464, [email protected]

Reedley, CA

Licensed Varieties to Bud: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: Luis Zamora, 559-467-1430, [email protected]

Tulare, CA

Licensed Varieties to Bud: Golden Hills, Lost Hills

Contact Information: Mark Cook, 520-730-9433, [email protected]

Willcox, AZ

Licensed Varieties to Bud: Golden Hills, Lost Hills, Randy

Contact Information: Estefani Vaca, 559-223-1795, [email protected]

Chowchilla, CA

Licensed Varieties to Bud: Golden Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: Jennifer Reisz, 559-440-8350, [email protected]

Fresno, CA

Licensed Varieties to Bud: Gumdrop, Tejon

Contact Information: Paul Underhill, 530-795-2473, [email protected]

Winters, CA

Licensed Varieties to Bud: Famoso, Golden Hills, Gumdrop, Lost Hills, Randy, Tejon

Contact Information: Greg Mancini, 559-366-6488, [email protected]

Tulare, CA


Foundation Plant Services (FPS) is a self-supporting service department in the College of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences at the University of California, Davis which produces, tests, maintains and distributes premium foundation-level virus disease-tested plant materials for use by licensed nurseries. Tree custom services include:

  • Maintenance of an elite source of propagation materials
  • Sale of cuttings and graftsticks of prunus and pistachio
  • Sale of UCB#1 hybrid seed
  • Custom testing and disease elimination
  • DNA based fruit and nut tree variety identification

Note:  These outside links are recommended as a resource. Content was not developed by UC Davis InnovationAccess.

Note: These outside links are recommended as a resource. Content was not developed by UC Davis InnovationAccess.

Contact Us

Sonia Vazquez
Sr. Intellectual Property Analyst – Plant Variety Licensing
[email protected]

Aubrey Nichole Reyes Medeiros
Intellectual Property Analyst
[email protected]

Isaac Rainwater
Strawberry Licensing Representative
[email protected]

UC Davis Foundation Seed Program (FSP)

The Foundation Seed Program (FSP) grows, increases, and maintains seed of cultivars developed by University of California and other public plant breeders and insures certified seed of these cultivars is made available to the public upon advance request.

Learn More

UC Davis Foundation Plant Services (FPS)

Foundation Plant Services produces, tests, maintains and distributes elite disease-tested plant propagation material. FPS provides plant importation and quarantine, disease testing, virus elimination, and DNA identification services. FPS also coordinates the release of UC-patented horticultural varieties and links researchers, nurseries and producers.

Learn More