Campus Curtailment Impact on Research Support Operations

Campus Curtailment Impact on Research Support Operations

Updated December 7, 2020

UC Davis has announced a Davis campus curtailment program for six workdays between December 21, 2020, and January 4, 2021. Although the campus has modified the curtailment from a hard closure to a soft closure, the Office of Research will continue with its original plan.

Please submit all routine or known actions to the appropriate unit on or before December 14 to allow processing before the closure. Emergency contacts should be used only for truly urgent and emergency purposes.

All administrative units in the Office of Research will be closed for business during the curtailment period with only emergency support if necessary for the following offices:

Sponsored Programs Office (SPO)
Emergency Contact: 530-754-7700

Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Emergency Contact: 530-304-1226 or [email protected]

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Emergency Contact: [email protected]

Research Compliance & Integrity (RCI)
Emergency Contact: [email protected]

Research Core Facilities Program
Emergency Contact: 530-754-1272 or [email protected]

The following units/offices may be open for business but will be operating at a lower staff capacity than normal:

  • TRACS and Campus Veterinary Services will continue to provide required husbandry and veterinary care during the curtailment but will not have staffing available for specific research support. The TRACS on-call number is 530-219-3076
  • Core Facilities – please check with the individual cores for any modified access to services and equipment.  All current Covid-19 SOPs regarding access remain in effect.

We ask that proposal submissions, protocols or amendments, no-cost extensions, disclosures, or other activities that you know need to be accomplished during the curtailment days be submitted with sufficient time to complete these actions prior to the business closure and adhere to any identified deadlines.

For example, SPO requests all proposals or award actions due after December 21 and on, or before, January 4  be submitted to them with all Cayuse approvals in place by December 14 to allow five business days for processing.

If you have questions regarding the office closures, please contact Executive Associate Vice Chancellor Cindy Kiel at530-304-9834 or  [email protected].


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