Office of Research Team Research Forum: Cardiovascular and Brain Health in Women - Office of Research

Team Research Forum: Cardiovascular and Brain Health in Women

Team Research Forum March 10 at 10:30am. Cardiovascular and Brain Health in Women

Join the UC Davis Office of Research and UC Davis Health at 10:30am on Friday, March 10th for a unique discussion of women’s health and how we can better identify the risks of dementia and heart disease in the female population.  Amparo Villablanca, director of the UC Davis Women’s Cardiovascular Medicine Program, leads a multidisciplinary team that includes cardiovascular, bioinformatics and computational scientists as well as neuropathology experts and behavioral and population health scientists.

The UC Davis Center for Women’s Cardiovascular and Brain Health is one of four UC Davis Health programs funded as part of a new UC Davis initiative is known as the HEAL-HER (Heart, BrEast and BrAin Heath Equity Research) Program.  HEAL-HER is supported by a $24 million award to UC Davis Health for women’s health research in breast cancer, dementia and cardiovascular disease.


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amparo villablanca portraitAmparo Villablanca
Director, Women’s Cardiovascular Medicine Program
Principal Investigator, UC Davis Center for Women’s Cardiovascular and Brain Health
Professor, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine

Dr. Villablanca is a physician-scientist and the Founding Director of the UC Davis Women’s Cardiovascular Medicine Program, the first woman’s heart program in the US. Her translational research program focuses on understanding sex differences in the molecular and cellular determinants of cardiovascular diseas, including the vascular determinants of dementia. She is also a leader in community-based participatory research, and has developed and assessed efficacy of heart disease prevention models for improving heart disease outcomes in women who are at high-risk for cardiovascular disease.


brittany dugger portraitBrittany Dugger
Co-Leader, Neuropathology Core UC Davis Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
Co-Leader, UC Davis School of Medicine Machine Learning Working Group
Department Liaison, UC Davis Women in Medicine and Health Sciences
Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Dr. Dugger is honored to contribute fundamental knowledge that will aid in creating better biomarkers, therapies, and models of human diseases for all individuals. Throughout her career she has led, enabled, and enhanced many cross disciplinary projects, resulting in more than 60 peer-reviewed manuscripts and numerous private, state, and federally funded grants. Dr. Dugger has extensive expertise the neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, digital neuropathology, cross disciplinary dialog development and maintenance, clinicopathologic correlates, mentorship, advocacy, and administrative execution and oversight.


susan brown headshotSusan Brown
Associate Professor, Department of Internal Medicine

Dr. Brown’s multidisciplinary program of research focuses on behavior change interventions for diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention, particularly among racially and ethnically diverse women at high risk for chronic disease. Her work focuses on developing and rigorously testing novel interventions to promote meaningful patient engagement in (1) life-long healthy eating, physical activity, and weight management behaviors; (2) preventive healthcare services, such as diabetes screening and healthy lifestyle programs; and (3) clinical research, such as strategies to improve the representation of racial and ethnic minorities in randomized clinical trials. Dr. Brown is especially interested in leveraging healthcare delivery systems to best support health promotion and risk reduction for diverse patients.


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