Entries by Aj Cheline

Charging Grants and Contracts (Including Salaries) During COVID-19

Posted 4/6/2020 We are aware that there are many questions regarding salaries of graduate students, post-docs and junior faculty who depend on laboratory research during the shelter-in-place order. Although further information will be forthcoming, we anticipate considerable accommodation from the university and funding agencies.  The following summarizes the information that we have been able to […]

Research Proposal and Award Operations During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Sponsored Programs Office remains operational and continues to process proposals and manage awards. Proposals, awards and outgoing subawards related to COVID-19 are being prioritized. To ensure COVID-19 related actions get prioritized, please ensure the following: Proposals: The PI must submit projects using Cayuse, include “COVID-19” in the project title, provide budget/budget justification and certify […]

Classification of Critical Research

Last Updated 4/1/2020 Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, researchers have been instructed to ramp down any non-critical on-site research activities as of March 17, 2020. The applicable definition of critical research activities should include the following, but may be modified as needed by your Chairs, Directors, and Deans’ criteria: Research that must be maintained for […]

Federal and State Agency Guidance on COVID-19

Updated 4/2/20 The following is a condensed version of important announcements from key agencies. You can find a more exhaustive list by agency here. UCOP also provides a running list of daily updates. UCOP has also released a memo on 3/24/20 titled Charging grants and contracts costs to Federal sponsored awards during COVID-19 that explains […]

Office of Research Operations during COVID-19 Pandemic

Last Updated 4/1/2020 The Office of Research will continue to remain operational. Staff not directly associated with an essential service will work remotely. The safety and health of our research workforce and animals will remain our highest priority. Animal Care Program, including TRACS, will continue to operate.  Contingency plans are in place to ensure ongoing animal care […]

COVID-19: Animal Care Operations for Teaching and Research

Last Updated 4/1/2020 Each of our 46 vivaria at UC Davis have facility specific continuity plans which will be activated as necessary. These procedures, along with capacities in our infrastructure, have been established as part of previous risk mitigation planning sessions in case of emergency situations. We are in contact with each of our vivaria […]

COVID-19 Operational Planning and Preparations for PIs

Last Updated 4/1/2020 Individual labs and research facilities are best positioned to create a continuity plan that will meet their unique needs. Principal Investigators and Research Managers should develop plans according to guidance given by campus leadership. The following are recommendations to consider in developing your plan. The following assumptions are based on a scenario […]