Entries by Aj Cheline

Mini-Grant Program in Geriatrics-2017-2018

Sponsored by: Dr. Nancy E. Lane, Endowed Chair of Aging, Director for the Center for Musculoskeletal Health (CMH) Funds are available for pilot grants ranging up to $10,000 each to encourage the development of novel curriculum or exploratory interventions related to improving the care or well-being of elders. These grants are available for students, residents, […]

Podcast: CNPRC Researchers Visit Unique Primate Centers in Borneo and Thailand

In this edition of the “Monkey Talk” podcast we chat with Dr. Jeff Roberts, Associate Director of Primate Services, and JoAnn Yee, manager of the center’s Pathogen Detection Laboratory Core, about their recent travel to Borneo and Thailand to share their expertise in working with nonhuman primates (NHPs) with their overseas counterparts at two unique […]

Austin Brown Named New Executive Director of UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy

Energy and transportation technology and policy expert Dr. Austin Brown has been named the new Executive Director of the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, the Environment, and the Economy. The Policy Institute acts as a bridge between scientific researchers and decision-makers to deliver credible, relevant, and timely information and analysis—assisting and informing the policymaking […]

UC Davis Launches Microbiome Initiative to Leverage Expertise across Campus

By Ana Lucia Cordova-Kreylos July 10, 2017 The Office of Research at University of California, Davis, is pleased to announce the launch of the Microbiome Special Research Program (SRP), designed to leverage and build upon the broad and deep expertise in microbiome science across the university. “UC Davis has incredible breadth and depth in microbiome […]

Reconstruction of Ancient Chromosomes Offers Insight Into Mammalian Evolution

By Lisa Howard June 21, 2017 What if researchers could go back in time 105 million years and accurately sequence the chromosomes of the first placental mammal? What would it reveal about evolution and modern mammals, including humans? In a study published this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers have gone […]