Entries by Aj Cheline

Cameron Carter named Interim Vice Chancellor for Research

AJ Cheline October 5, 2016 Cameron Carter — a professor in the UC Davis Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and the director of two UC Davis research centers — has been named the interim vice chancellor for the Office of Research. Carter has held the Endowed Professorship in Schizophrenia Research and served as director of the Schizophrenia Research and Education Program since 2006. He has led the Center […]

Fall 2016 Issue

Research Matters Quarterly Newsletter Fall 2016

14 New Startups Based on Technologies Developed at UC Davis Tackle Range of Scientific, Medical and Societal Problems

By Lisa Howard September 6, 2016 The University of California, Davis, enabled the foundation of 14 commercial startups during the past fiscal year— matching the largest number of new ventures launched in a single year, based on UC Davis technologies. MUSE Microscopy, one of the startups, is planning to revolutionize the way pathologists identify disease. […]

Research Core Facilities Program invests $2.1 million in designated facilities

The Research Core Facilities Program (RCFP), launched in 2015 by the Office of Research, is pleased to announce the recipients of $2.1 million in new funding to help strengthen the research infrastructure at UC Davis. In its first year of operation, the RCFP developed the Campus Research Core Facilities Enhancement Funding Program to make strategic […]

From ideas to innovation with STAIR grants

August 4, 2016: Venture Catalyst, a unit within the Technology Management and Corporate Relations division of the UC Davis Office of Research, is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2016 Science Translation and Innovative Research, or STAIR, grants. Now in its third year, the competitive STAIR grant program provides awards of up to $50,000 to […]

From Ideas to Innovation with STAIR Grants

August 4, 2016: Venture Catalyst, a unit within the Technology Management and Corporate Relations division of the UC Davis Office of Research, is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2016 Science Translation and Innovative Research, or STAIR, grants. Now in its third year, the competitive STAIR grant program provides awards of up to $50,000 to […]

Global impact: 10 climate change insights from UC Davis researchers

By Lisa Howard Climate change means many different things to many different people, but one thing is clear: the issue touches virtually every aspect of the planet’s natural capital and affects society’s ability to solve pressing issues related to human health, the economy, and ecosystem sustainability. Research at UC Davis has provided tremendous leadership on […]