Entries by Aj Cheline

Startups with Roots at UC Davis Pivot as Innovations Become Businesses

By Lisa Howard April 14, 2016 Instead of graduating and jumping straight into the workforce, some enterprising grads are forming companies with ideas and innovations they developed at UC Davis. John Bissell (’08) helped develop a method for creating more sustainable plastic as an undergraduate studying Chemical Engineering. Tom Shapland (’07, M.S. ’11, Ph.D. ’12) […]

Seventeen Labs Designated as Campus Research Core Facilities at UC Davis

The Research Core Facilities Program was launched in 2015 by the Office of Research to oversee and strengthen the core research infrastructure at UC Davis. As part of this charter, the program has initiated a process to designate certain laboratories across the university that provide shared research services as Campus Research Core Facilities.  This designation […]

UC Davis partners with Sacramento business incubator Hacker Lab

March 17, 2016 – The University of California, Davis and Hacker Lab, Inc., a Sacramento nonprofit organization, have entered into a collaborative agreement to include the business incubator as the third member of the university’s Distributed Research Incubation & Venture Engine (DRIVE™) Network. The alliance pairs the established facilities and resources at Hacker Lab with […]

Sensing What Ails Us

Cristina Davis is a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering and director of the Bioinstrumentation and BioMEMS (bio-microelectromechanical systems) Laboratory. Her main research interests are chemical and biological sensing applications, use of technology to speed biomarker discovery, novel bioMEMS devices, and bioinformatics interpretation of sensor output. Davis’ group is currently developing new sensor systems for […]

Research Vice Chancellor Harris Lewin to Step Down

By Dana Topousis February 9, 2016 Harris Lewin has decided to return to the faculty in the Department of Evolution and Ecology and the Genome Center after successful service as vice chancellor in the Office of Research over the period of his five-year term. Lewin, who joined UC Davis in 2011, will transition out of […]

Adrastia Biotech

January 15, 2016 By Aj Cheline Recent UC Davis graduate and cancer survivor develops simple test that may improve breast cancer detection and forms startup company based on the technology   [youtube id=”drY3Tga9oJM” width=”460″ height=”270″] “I wouldn’t say that I have always thought of myself as an entrepreneur, but I have always considered myself a […]

UC Davis Sets New Record for Sponsored Research Funding

University of California, Davis, hit an all-time high for external research funding for fiscal year 2014-15, receiving $786 million. The total represents an 11.5 percent increase from the previous year and a surge in support from the federal government by 13.4 percent year-over-year. “This great achievement is a testament to our researchers who have expertise […]