Entries by Aj Cheline

Startup Uses Advanced Imaging Technology and Machine Learning to Sort Seeds and Insects

By Lisa Howard January 15, 2020 Christian Nansen, an associate professor in the UC Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology, has launched a startup, Spectral Analytix, to apply machine vision and machine learning to the classification and sorting of seeds and insects. “The idea is to combine machine vision, robotics and machine learning so you […]

Spotlight on Energy-Related Innovations from UC Davis Researchers

By Lisa Howard December 30, 2019 UC Davis researchers had a chance to present their newest innovations and research findings during a day-long visit from David Babson, a program director for the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy, known as ARPA-E. ARPA-E is a Department of Energy agency that awards funds to develop entirely new ways to […]

David Bunn Chosen to Direct Environmental Policy and Management Program at UC Davis

By Lisa Howard December 5, 2019 David Bunn has been selected to serve as director of the Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management (EPM) program at UC Davis, a unique professional degree developed by the John Muir Institute of the Environment and the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences to train the next […]

Calculating the Costs of Ecological Disruption from Climate Change

By Lisa Howard November 25, 2019 What are the costs if climate change increases the risk of extinction of plants and animals? What value can be placed on reducing the risk of extinction of the white rhinoceros or American pika? And do people consider these things valuable even if they will never see a white […]