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RCR Live Zoom Session Information

UC Davis is committed  to developing, fostering, and maintaining a culture of integrity in ethical conduct.

  • RCR live Zoom sessions are offered the fourth Monday of every month
  • RCR  live Zoom sessions start at 11:00 am and finish by noon
  • Registration for live Zoom sessions is not required.
  • Simply join Zoom at  
  • All UC Davis faculty and staff are welcome.

2024-2025 Live Zoom Session Dates

(Topic subject to change based on speaker availability)

7/22/2024 “Peer Review in Research”
Marcel Holyoak, Professor, Environmental Science and Policy

8/26/2024 “Ethics of HSR: Belmont & Beyond”
Stephen Falwell, Education Coordinator, UC Davis IRB

9/23/2024 “Digitalization and Algorithmification of Society”
Martin Hilbert, Ph.D.,  Professor

10/28/2024  “Artificial Intelligence and Research”
Nick Anderson, Ph.D., Cardiff Professor of Biomedical Informatics; Chief, Division of Health Informatics

11/25/2024 “Asking Different Questions: Social Justice in Research”
Sarah E. Rebolloso McCullough, Ph.D., Associate Director, Feminist Research Institute

12/16/2024  “Collaborative Research and Working with Industry”
Angela Haczku, MD., Ph.D., Professor of Medicine & Director, UC Davis Lung Center

1/27/2025  “Ethics of Biosafety in the Laboratory”
Philip Barruel, Program Manager, Environmental Health & Safety
Veronica Thron, Manager, Environmental Health & Safety

2/24/2025 “Intellectual Property and Ethics”
Byron Roberts, Ph.D., Senior IP Officer, UC Davis Technology Transfer Office

3/24/2025 Ethical Questions in the Biomedical Industry”
Paul Knoepfler, Ph.D., Professor, UC Davis Department of Cell Biology and Human Anatomy

4/28/2025 “Developing an Ethical Mentor/Mentee Relationship”
Susan D. Brown, Associate Director, Mentoring Academy for Research Excellence

5/19/2025 “Bioethics of Food and Agriculture
Denneal Jamison-McClung, Ph.D., Director of UC Davis Biotechnology Program, 

6/23/2025 “Authorship Disputes”
Denise Ehlen, UC Davis Executive Associate Vice Chancellor for Research

CITI Program Registration Instructions

You will need an account to Enroll in the CITI component of RCR.

If you have a CITI account with another University, this will tell you how to affiliate the past account with UC Davis. Affiliate with a new institution

If you do not have an existing CITI account this will instruct you on how to set up your CITI account. How to create a new CITI account

If you have an existing CITI account and need to enroll in the RCR component of CITI, this will assist. How to add RCR courses to your existing enrollment