Approved Vendor List

Please note this information is meant to be used as a contact resource to help with strain/animal availability, vendor issues and to inform you of your choices for vendors (you may also contact the Animal Order Desk at 530-752-1390/530-752-1564). All orders must be placed through the TRACS business office using the Animal Tracking System (ATS). Housing location is dependent on health status and not all vendors are eligible for housing in certain restricted animal housing locations. For questions regarding animal ordering or receiving, please contact TRACS business office.

Animal Science UC Davis

  • Goats/Sheep/Pig/Cattle
  • 530-752-1250

Charles River

Inotiv (Envigo, Covance, Harlan)

Jackson Laboratories

Luke Van Laningham

  • Sheep
  • 916-417-0253

Marshall Farms


Mouse Biology Program

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

National Institute of Aging (NIA)

Nutrition and Pet Care Center (NPCC C Barn)  

  • Cats
  • 530-752-1619
  • Contact: Debbie Bee

Premier BioSource

Ridglan Farms

Sinclair Bio-Resources


Xenopus Express

Xenopus 1