Human Subjects

In addition to the Conflict of Interest Committee’s (COIC) reporting requirements, researchers engaged in human subjects research are subject to HRP-055. For more information about reporting outside financial interest(s) to the IRB go to the IRB Website.

Conflict of Interest Forms:

The following information indicates the form(s) you must file with RECO related to your financial interests. Depending on the sponsor of your human subject research/study, you may need to complete and submit one or more conflict of interest forms as follows:

  •  Privately funded human subject research
    The PI must file a online Form 700-U AND all the Investigators on the project must sign a Form 800.  If a financial interest is identified on either of these forms, the Investigator with the financial interest must complete, sign, and submit a Supplemental Form.
  • PHS-funded human subject research
    If the study is sponsored by a PHS agency (or other entity that has adopted the PHS COI rules), all Investigators on the project must separately complete the PHS On-Line Disclosure and required training.
  • Government-funded (Non PHS) human subject research
    The PI must file a Form 800 AND all the Investigators on the project must sign the Form 800.  If a financial interest is identified on either of these forms, the Investigator with the financial interest must complete, sign, and submit a Supplemental Form.
  • Department-funded human subject research
    The PI must file a Form 800 AND all the Investigators on the project must sign the Form 800.  If a financial interest is identified, the Investigator with the financial interest must complete, sign, and submit a Supplemental Form.

For More Information on Human Subject Research please go to the IRB Website.

Electronic Conflict of Interest (eCOI) System:

This system is used for submitting your Form 800 and Supplemental Form online.


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