Budget Development

There are several steps to preparing a proposal budget. Generally, these steps are the same regardless of the sponsor, whether it is for a contract, grant, or cooperative agreement, and whether UC Davis will be the lead or subaward institution.

Step 1: Select a budget template (Excel spreadsheet) based on the type of proposal you are preparing

    • The Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) highly recommends you use the OR Budget Templates for the following reasons:
      • Auto-populated indirect (Facilities & Administrative) cost rates, fringe benefit rates, and single IRB rates.
      • Auto-calculated split rates (when a project period spans the end of a fiscal year (on June 30) and the beginning of a new fiscal year (on July 1) which may result in a rate change).
      • Information is presented in a manner that is familiar to internal reviewers, speeding the process.

Step 2: Prepare your budget

Step 3: Prepare a budget justification

This is a written document to be read by a reviewer alongside the budget spreadsheet and that explains the line items, notably how estimated figures were derived.

Step 4 (optional): Prepare a budget with cost-sharing (also known as match-funding)

Cost-sharing or matching is any portion of the project or program costs not paid by the funding agency.

Step 5 (optional): Prepare a budget that involves subawards

An Outgoing subaward is when UC Davis forwards to another institution (subrecipient) a portion of an award it receives from a (prime) sponsor. UC Davis is the lead institution on the award, and the other institution is the subawardee.  The UC Davis proposal to the sponsor must include both the UC Davis budget, and all of the subaward budgets

An Incoming subaward is when UC Davis receives an award through another collaborating institution rather than directly from the (prime) sponsor. In this situation, the collaborating institution is the lead institution on the award, and they forward to UC Davis (the subrecipient) a portion of an award it has received from the (prime) sponsor.

      • Incoming subawards are prepared like Awards (because they are “awards” to UCD) except that the other institution is treated as the “sponsor” for UCD, and their sponsor as the “Prime Sponsor”.

SPO and Proposal Development Services (PDS, formerly known as Interdisciplinary Research Support (IRS)) have numerous resources to help with the preparation and management of subawards:


For questions on outgoing subawards, email subawards@ucdavis.edu

For questions on incoming subawards (they are “awards” to UCD), email awards@ucdavis.edu

For questions on budget preparation? Email proposals@ucdavis.edu