Learn: Proposal Budgeting

Written materials:

Helpful link:

“How To…” videos:

     Note: if a video doesn’t start on the first try, refresh the video and it should then work. 


    • Preparing a Proposal Budget: Basics (eCourse) – This UC Learning Center course covers budgeting components and principles and how these lead to the development of a final proposal budget. Topics covered include universal cost principles applicable to preparing project budgets, calculating F&A costs, budgeting techniques and practices, and preparing a budget justification. The course takes approximately 1 hour and is a required prerequisite for the Instructor-Led Training, ‘Preparing a Proposal Budget: Lab’.
    • Preparing a Proposal Budget: Lab (Instructor-Led Training) – UC Learning Center class: Participants will put into practice the topics covered in the ‘Preparing a Proposal Budget: Basics’ eCourse. Using case studies, sample forms and group discussion, participants will practice completing a proposal budget. Applied activities include determining budget categories, applying and calculating the correct F&A rate, and creating a budget justification.
    • Cost-Sharing and Effort in Proposals – 54-page slide presentation from January 25, 2024 Research Administration Workshop
    • Using the OR Budget Templates – Slide deck and handout (as of Jan 2025) for recurring SPO training
    • Preparing a Cost Proposal Budget – Slide deck from July 2023 Research Administration Workshop. Some funding opportunity announcements request two
      proposals, a technical proposal on project details and a separate cost proposal on finances. The objective of a cost proposal is to provide sufficient cost information to
      substantiate that the proposed cost is realistic, reasonable and complete for the proposed work.

 Budget FAQs

    1. Is an internal budget required?
      • A detailed internal budget is strongly encouraged even when not required by the sponsor. This aids the Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) in conducting a detailed and accurate review. This should be uploaded in the Proposal Attachments section. Select the document type of “Budget”. SPO encourages use of the OR Budget Templates.
    2. How does SP calculate salary? 
      • Salary is calculated automatically through HR Connect. Salary information will updated to the latest information available in PPS twice per month. If you make changes to this in your Cayuse 424 professional profile, those changes will be overwrote to match the PPS system during the next update.
    3. What document type should I select when uploading the budget spreadsheet or internal budget as a Proposal Attachment?
      • For all submissions for SPO review, select the document type of “Budget”. Note that “Budget (UCD Health) should only be selected when submitting an industry-sponsored clinical trial protocol for review by the UC Davis Health Contracts Clinical Trials Contracts Office.
    4. Can budget and submission notes be marked as private?
      • A note’s access can be limited to unit approvers and administrators. The budget comment box is visible to anyone who has access to the proposal.
    5. How do I enter/indicate cost sharing on the Cayuse SP Budget form? Is anything else required? 
    6. Why is my modular budget from Cayuse 424 not showing?
      • DO NOT use the pair with 424 functionality in SP. 
    7. Will Cayuse SP accept 0% for the F&A Rate? 
      • Yes. Cayuse SP does accept 0% for the F&A Rate. Enter 0% in the F&A Rate text field the bottom of the F&A Rate pop-up screen and select Change Rate. Do not enter an amount in the relevant Base for F&A field(s). Instead, include that amount in the Sponsor Direct Costs field.

Other Proposal and Award Learning Resources