Institutional Information

This page contains common institutional data required by sponsors and needed for proposals.

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Office of Research
Sponsored Programs
One Shields Ave.
Davis, CA 95616-5270
Contact Information: Phone: (530) 754-7700 Fax: (530) 752-0333
[email protected]

Send Checks To: If asked where checks should be mailed, ask the sponsor to identify the project by the Award Number, PI, etc. For all non-clinical trial agreements checks should be mailed to the Cashier’s Office at the address above. Checks for clinical trial agreements should be forwarded to the department.

Identification Numbers and Codes

Type of Code Code Number
Animal Welfare Assurance Number (Vertebrate Animals) A-3433-01 (for applications, use A3433-01)
Assurance of Compliance No. (Human Subjects) – Approved until 04/12/2024 FWA00004557 (for Cayuse 424 applications, use 00004557)
Assurance on file with Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) IRB registration number: 0000251
California Tax Identification Number 935-0501-4
Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) Code 1CBG4
Contractor Establishment Code (CEC) 18-562-770A
Dun and Bradstreet Number (DUNS) 04-712-0084 (for Cayuse 424 applications, use 047120084)
+4 = 0000
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) TX2DAGQPENZ5
Employer Identification Number (EIN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) 94-6036494
Federal Interagency Committee on Educational Institutions (FICE) Code 001313-6
NSF Institutional Code 0013136000
North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Number, formerly called the Standard Industrial Classification Code Number (S.I.C. Code) 61131
PHS Entity Identification Number 1946036494A1
PHS Institutional Profile Number 577503
School of Medicine 01
School of Veterinary Medicine 11
Other Academic Use (use this for all other units) 20
SAM.GOV registration expiration date June 3, 2025
USDA NIFA: Participate in ASAP: “Yes” ASAP Number: 0662716
W-9 – Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification W-9 – 2024

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Institution Information

    • Applicant’s Organization Name is The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its Davis campus
    • Applicant’s County Name is Yolo County
    • The Congressional District of the Applicant is always IV (Four), which is the Main Campus.
    • The Congressional District for the Project could be:
      • IV (Four) Main Campus (for applications, use CA-004)
      • VII (Seven) UCDMC (for applications, use CA-007)
      • XIV (Fourteen) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
      • If the project will be conducted across a broad geographical area, then the answer to this question, in narrative form, is “California,” “USA,” “Yolo County,” etc.
    • Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (PDF):
      • Date of Agreement: November 28, 2023
      • Cognizant Federal Agency: Health and Human Services (HHS)
      • Base for Indirect Costs: Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC)
      • Period of Agreement: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2028
      • Type of Agreement: Predetermined
      • Cost Accounting Standards Information
      • Name of the Cognizant agency where disclosure statement is filed: Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (for applications, use HHS, Cora Coleman, 415-437-7820)
      • Address: Office of Inspector General 50 United Nations Plaza Inspector General Office of Audit San Francisco, California 94102
      • Filed with: The Director of the Division of Cost Allocation

Applicant Personal Criteria

Applicant Must:

    • Comply with Federal regulations regarding a Drug Free Workplace
    • Provide a smoke-free workplace
    • Comply with Public Health Service regulations regarding Misconduct in Science
    • Comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1964
    • Comply with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • Comply with Public Law 92-318 which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex
    • Comply with the Age Discrimination Act of 1973
    • Comply with the Federal regulations regarding Conflict of Interest

The Applicant Must Not:

    • Be debarred or suspended from receiving Federal funds
    • Use Federally appropriated funds for lobbying activities
    • Be delinquent on any Federal debt

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