Proposal Review

Once the Internal Processing Form (IPF) has been submitted for routing in Cayuse SP:

    • Ensure there is at least one contact person available (e.g., department administrator or PI) prior to the sponsor deadline.
      • There are often small errors, such as page limits exceeded or missing information, that will cause a proposal to be automatically rejected by a sponsor’s proposal submission system.
        • In these cases, your Sponsored Programs Office (SPO) proposals analyst will work quickly to alert the contact person of the issue.
          • The contact person can then resolve it and resend the corrected application to SPO for re-submission to the sponsor in advance of the sponsor’s deadline.
    • Monitor your email for correspondence from SPO regarding the proposal.
    • You may also check Cayuse SP to determine the status of the proposal.
      • The SPO analyst may also add notes in the Notes section regarding progress and/or outstanding items.
      • Youtube video: Check Proposal/IPF Status and SPO Assignment (length: 3:30 – if video doesn’t start — “This video is unavailable” — refresh the video and it should then start)

Principal Investigators (PIs) and the proposal preparer should carefully read all sponsor guidelines.

    • The PI, and not SPO, is responsible for making sure all components required by the sponsor are included.
    • SPO also does not review formatting, pagination, page limits, spelling/grammar or technical documents.

The assigned SPO analyst will review the proposal for:

    • Adherence to campus requirements:
      • IPF certifications by the Principal Investigator and Co-Investigator(s).
      • IPF authorizations by the chair/director of the involved units and the School of Medicine or School of Veterinary Medicine dean’s office, if applicable.
      • Budget and Budget Justification to ensure the accurate F&A rate and base are appropriately applied, budget calculations are accurate, costs are allowable and allocable and that the budget and budget justification match.
      • Scope of Work to identify the type of activity, such as research or service, and to determine what additional compliance documents may be necessary.
    • Adherence to sponsor requirements that will prevent submission, such as:
      • Inclusion of required proposal components that if not included will create a system error.
      • Appropriate protocols, based on the IPF entry, are obtained when applicable, such as IRB and IACUC.
      • Financial Conflict of Interest (COI) disclosures are filed when applicable.
    • Terms and conditions are acceptable to the University and the Principal Investigator, if agreement is required at the time of proposal.
