Track Incidents and Interventions

Report an Incident that occurred during a booking:

    1. From HOME, select Book a system or from the BOOK tab, select the instrument from the list
    2. Select Report incident at the bottom of the calendar
    3. Select You want to report an incident that occurred during a session,
      Click submit
    4. On the Incident/Intervention creation form
      • Select a session in which the incident occurred
      • Select severity level
        • High: will block the calendar from being booked from that time onward until it’s resolved
        • Moderate: will highlight the calendar from that time onward allowing users to see there is a potential issue but they will still be able to book
        • Low: will not appear to customers
      • As an admin, select yes, to Validate this is a legitimate incident
      • Add Precise description of the incident
      • Upload a file (optional)
      • Indicate if the problem is solved
      • Indicate whether you can predict when the problem will be solved
        • If yes, select a date/time
    5. Select Submit

Validate a User submitted Incident:

  1. From HOME, select Unvalidated Incident from the notification bar
  2. Select the Ref. #
  3. Review the incident and select:
    • Validate, if this is a legitimately reported incident
      • Select Yes
      • Add comments
      • Update incident description if more details are needed
    • Delete, if this is not something that needs to be reported
      • Select Yes
  4. Select Submit



Create an Intervention related to a reported incident:

  1. From HOME, select INCIDENTS tab
  2.  At the bottom of the page, select See the incidents or interventions
  3. Locate the incident in the list
  4. Select more details…
  5. Select Interventions
  6. Select Create intervention
  7.  Input:
    • Intervention start time
    • Intervention end time
    • Severity: Special – not available will block the calendar from being booked for the time selected
    • Intervention description
    • Upload a file
    • Indicate whether an external company will be involved
      • If yes, include company name
    • Yes, should be pre-selected for Is this intervention related to a current incident on this system?
    • Update the related incident’s predicted end time
    • Update the related incident’s status to Maintenance planned
  8. Select Submit



Create an Intervention (unrelated to an incident):

  1. From HOME, select Book a system or from the BOOK tab, select the instrument from the list
  2. Select, Report an incident at the bottom of the calendar
  3. Select you want to plan an intervention on the system
    Click Submit
  4. Input:
    • Intervention start time
    • Intervention end time
    • Severity: Special – not available will block the calendar from being booked for the time selected
    • Intervention description
    • Upload a file
    • Indicate whether an external company will be involved
      • If yes, include company name
    • No, should be pre-selected for Is this intervention related to a current incident on this system?
  5. Select Submit



Update, Close, or Delete an Incident:

  1. From HOME, select INCIDENTS tab
  2. At the bottom of the page, select See incidents or interventions
  3. Select more details…
  4. Select Update to update the incident:
    • Description
    • Status
    • Severity
    • Predicted end of incident
  5. Select Close, Select Yes to close the incident
  6. Select when to close:
    • Now, to close instantly
    • Any time, to close at a certain time
  7. Add Solution details
  8. Select Submit



Create a special operation:

Special operations can be used to block a calendar during events such as system updates.

  1. From HOME, select Book a system or from the BOOK tab, select the instrument from the list
  2. Select Report incident at the bottom of the calendar
  3. Select You want to create a special renewable operation, select submit
  4. Input:
    • Period start
    • Period stop
    • Severity
    • Description
    • Upload a file
    • Weekday start
    • Weekday stop
    • Renew every X week(s)
  5. Click Submit