Report an Incident

Unexpected incidents on an instrument can be reported by users to the facility administration through Stratocore PPMS.
Types of incidents: instrument shuts down unexpectedly, instrument breaks, instrument rebooted mid-session, etc.

  1. Go to the Stratocore PPMS start page:
  2. Select the facility of interest under Facilities available in UC Davis and log in with your credentials
  3. From HOME, scroll down to Report an Incident
  4. From the drop down, select the system (instrument) on which the incident occurred
  5. Select Report
  6. Select the Incident Start:
    • The incident occurred during a session
      • Select the session
    • The incident did no occur during a session
      • Input the date and time or occurrence
  7. Select the Severity:
    • Low
    • Medium (partly dysfunctional)
    • High (system down)*
  8. Provide a description of the incident
    • Optional: Upload a file if one is useful to the situation
  9. Answer: Is the problem solved?
    • No
    • Yes – provide description of the solution
  10. Select Submit


*If the severity of the issue is High, please contact the facility immediately and directly.