Process Final Invoicing

The invoice process should be completed a minimum of once per month to ensure timely billing of work completed. All charges must be invoiced no more than 90 days after the session or completion date.

Create a Draft Invoice:

A draft invoice will include all sessions, trainings, and services not yet invoiced, up to the date specified.
Reservations and Orders which are not yet complete will not be included.

  1. From HOME, select INVOICING tab
  2. Select the date up to, but not including, which you would like to include charges for the billing cycle
  3. Check the relevant boxes under Invoice options to recalculate any data (these options are used to capture any correction or updated data)
    • Recommended: Check Recalculate Prices to recalculate the amounts in the invoice with the current price rules. Otherwise, price rules active at the time of booking/ordering will be used
    • Recommended: Check Recalculate Account Numbers to recalculate the account numbers to use for the invoice. Otherwise, account numbers selected at the time of booking/ordering will be used
    • Recommended: Check Recalculate Groups to recalculate the groups for the invoice. Otherwise, the group designated at the time of booking/ordering will be used
    • Recommended: Check Recalculate Affiliations to recalculate the affiliations for the invoice. Otherwise, the affiliation indicated at the time of booking/ordering will be used
  4. Select Create a draft invoice
    • If necessary, note any user and billing account which is “not valid”
    • Check the box next to any “not valid” invoice lines and select Postpone the selected lines to the next invoice
    • Follow up with the client and facility staff and instruct them to update the billing account number associated with the “not valid” line (order/booking/etc.)
    • After the billing account number is updated, during the next invoicing cycle, be sure to check the Recalculate Account Numbers box.
  5. Review the invoice lines and check the box next to any items you would like to Postpone to a future invoice cycle. Then, click Postpone the selected lines to the next invoice
  6. Check the “select all” box and click Send this invoice by email and select the group PI/director, group administrative contact, and group manager
  7. Check the Add a message in the invoice box and click Send
    • Message text may be updated before clicking send


Cancel a Draft Invoice:

You may cancel the entire draft invoice at any time prior to validating. To do so, navigate to the Invoicing tab and click Cancel this draft.

Validate an Invoice:

Validation should occur after 2 days, or once all of the invoices have been accepted.

  1. From HOME, select INVOICING tab
  2. Click on the invoice draft
  3. If necessary, check the box next to any disputed invoice lines and click Postpone the selected lines to the next invoice
  4. Click Validate this draft invoice
  5. Confirm OK (this cannot be undone and will trigger the automated journal files)


Failed Transactions:

If any external transactions fail, the Stratocore PPMS Admin team will send you a list of these transactions to correct any errors.