Submit a Progress Report
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PI Responsibilities
The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for submitting all required interim and final technical or project reports to the awarding agency or sponsor. The PI should review the award terms and conditions and make note of the following items in order to ensure timely completion of the reports as required by the Sponsor:
- Required technical or program reports
- Report deadlines
- Required format and submission methods
Common Reports
Each sponsor will indicate the reporting requirements. Additionally, each award may have different requirements. It is important to read all award documents and sponsor guidelines. Common reports include:
- Final Financial Report – Completed by Contracts and Grants Accounting
- Final Technical Report – Completed by PI
- Final Equipment Report – Completed by Equipment Management
- Final Patent Certification – Completed by PI or SPO with assistance from Tech Transfer, when needed
Tools and Instructions
- NIH Final Research Performance Progress Reports
- When preparing the Final RPPR, list Alexa Rubio as the Signing Official and Administrative Official. She will finalize the submission of your report once the PI or Department has completed it. She can be reached at and (530) 752-4794.
- Final RPPR Instructions
- NIH RPPR Instruction Guide
- RPPRs: Who Can Do What?
- NSF Project Reports
- USDA Final Progress Reports
- US Department of Justice (DOJ)
- Other Sponsors
- Report content requirements as well as specific formats may be spelled out in the award terms and conditions. Typically the report content requirements may include:
- Project identification information
- Significant results of the project
- Project difficulties and solutions
- List of publications resulting from the project, including articles in progress (Please note some sponsor may require publications be submitted to the sponsor for their review prior to public dissemination.)
- A discussion of “milestones” and “deliverables”
- Report content requirements as well as specific formats may be spelled out in the award terms and conditions. Typically the report content requirements may include:
- NIH Final Research Performance Progress Reports