Research Core Facilities

The UC Davis Research Core Facilities Program (RCFP) facilitates access to state-of-the-art technology, advanced expertise, and other shared resources for researchers at UC Davis, in the UC system, at academic institutions, and in the commercial community. Resources include an online Research Core Directory of available research facilities and services; a software platform (Stratocore) to manage orders, scheduling, and billing; and a collaborative community to support core leaders and staff. The Research Core Facilities Program also strives to improve administrative processes to increase efficiency and capacity, and to provide training and development opportunities. The team is committed to supporting researchers in achieving their goals and advancing scientific progress.

Research Core Directory

Stratocore PPMS Software

Core Funding Opportunities

Cores Community

What is a Core Facilty?

The term “core” includes any UC Davis research core or shared research facility on the Davis campus, in Sacramento, and at off-campus locations in all schools and colleges.  Research cores and shared facilities include professionally managed shared instrumentation and equipment facilities, scientific recharge units, and research service centers that provide access to technologies, equipment, services, and expert consultation to enable, facilitate, and enhance the research mission of the university.  The UC Davis approach to cores is comprehensive and applies to life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and the arts and humanities.

Introducing the NEW Research Core Directory

The Office of Research has developed an online Research Core Directory to bring visibility to all UC Davis research cores, research facilities, and shared resources. The directory will serve as a centralized and searchable database for researchers to discover and access the research resources available across campus, including specialized instruments, expert services, and collaboration opportunities.

Explore the Research Core Directory in development with a sampling of cores added during development phase testing:

Research Core Directory

Accepting Entries

Note: The Directory, the term “core” includes any UC Davis research core or shared research facility or unit (regardless of designation as a Campus Research Core Facility) on the Davis campus, in Sacramento, and at off-campus locations in all schools and colleges. Research cores and shared facilities include scientific recharge units, service centers providing research services, and professionally managed shared expertise, instrumentation, and equipment facilities that provide access to technologies, equipment, services, and expert consultation to enable, facilitate, and enhance the research mission of the university. The UC Davis approach to cores is comprehensive and applies to life sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and the arts and humanities.

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