Stem Cell Research

ALL UC Davis research activities involving human stem cell research, regardless of the type of stem cells or whether the stem cells are adult or embryonic, must be conducted in compliance with the applicable university, state, and federal regulations governing such research, including any restrictions on the use of federal funds for such research. This is regardless of the type of stem cells or whether the stem cells are adult or embryonic.

UC Davis researchers who will be conducting research involving human stem cells must submit an application to the UC Davis Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (SCRO) and receive approval from the SCRO before commencing any research. Additional approvals must be obtained from the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) or other committees such as the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or Institutional Review Board (IRB) as appropriate.

Researchers must also obtain any necessary Material Transfer Agreements (MTA)  of the human embryonic stem cells being used for the research. Researchers may not distribute human embryonic stem cells or their derivatives without the specific written approval to do so from the appropriate entity. Researchers must obtain all applicable authorizations for the research prior to review by the SCRO Committee.

Stem Cell Forms

  • Application to Conduct Human Stem Cell Research (DOC)
  • Request for Protocol Amendment (PDF)
  • Report of Unforeseen Issues Involving Research with Human Embryonic Stem Cells (DOC)

Stem Cell Resources

Stem Cell Funding Opportunities

NIH Opportunities

NIH Funding for Stem Cell Research


International Society for Stem Cell Research-Funding Resources

California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)

CIRM Funding Opportunities