Research Working Groups

The Research Working Group initiative is currently on hold due to limited staff bandwidth.  We anticipate a status update at the beginning of the 2024-25 academic year.  Please feel free to email us and our team may be able to direct you to other resources for support and development.

Microbiome Research Working Group

Launched in 2021 as a successor to a related Special Research Program, the Microbiome Research Working Group strives to promote, grow, and transform microbiome related research and training throughout the UC Davis community through programs and projects focused on: interdisciplinary innovation, training and education, infrastructure and resources, and community building.


Wildfires Research Working Group


UC Davis researchers carry out vital collaborative, cross-disciplinary work in response to the worldwide wildfires crisis.  The Wildfires Research Working Group brings together expertise in air quality, environmental sciences, human and animal health, policy, community engagement, and beyond to identify ways to prevent and mitigate the devastating effects of wildfire on on our planet.

Need assistance applying to any of the above programs?  Email [email protected].

SIRF Staff Directory