Office of Research SPO Training: Subawards - Office of Research

SPO Training: Subawards

Main Sponsored Programs Office Training Page

The following materials have been developed to assist with submitting proposals with (outgoing) subawards or as an (incoming) subawardee institution.

Subawards FAQs

  1. How do I submit a proposal with outgoing subawards? Please see the guidance in the Handbook for Submitting a Proposal with Subawards and on the SPO YouTube Channel.
  2. Has the Subaward area on the data sheet been replaced? Yes, this will be located in the Proposal Subrecipients tab.
  3. What do I do if the Subcontractor is not listed on the Subcontractor list? Select Miscellaneous Sponsors from the Subcontractor list and type the Subcontractor’s name and contact information in Submission Notes. If you are also using Cayuse 424, ensure the subcontractor is listed as an institution in Cayuse 424. Instructions are available in the Handbook for Submitting a Proposal with Subawards. Email [email protected] if the institution is not in Cayuse 424.
  4. How do I submit a proposal as a Subaward institution (when UC Davis is the subawardee)? Submit the proposal as usual in Cayuse SP. The Sponsor should be listed as the institution to which UC Davis is submitting (the prime applicant). The Prime Sponsor should be listed as the sponsor to which the prime applicant is submitting. Instructions are available in the Handbook for Submitting a Proposal as a Subawardee Institution.
  5. How do I access an outgoing Subaward in Cayuse SP? Users listed as Personnel for the associated Award(s) and those with Award Data Access for the relevant Administering Unit have access to view any Subawards associated with the Project. To view the Subaward, go to the Cayuse SP Project and then the Subcontracts tab. Detailed instructions are available in the Handbook for Accessing Subawards, Handbook for Department Contract & Grant Staff, Principal Investigators and Approvers and SP Training Videos on the SPO YouTube page.


Written materials:

Brief YouTube “How To…” videos:

Note: if a video doesn’t start on the first try, refresh the video and it should then work. 
